Dan to know the cause of the accident that ends with the death of Tiger Woods: the mysteries that could be resolved

The “black caja” of Tiger Woods’ truck branded key information for the investigation (Photo: Reuters)

The investigation into the accident of Tiger Woods mantiene en vilo todos los fanaticos que el golista tiene alrededor del mundo. The mysteries of the past in this picture of Los Angeles you will disappear –As part– during the close hours when the official versions are known, although there will be permanent interrogative variants.

The Mid-North American TMZ adelantó that the sportsman’s leader of 45 years was arrested for an excess of speed, following the data that lograron will retrieve the agents of the “black box” of this van Genesis GV80 model 2021. Without embarrassment, we advise that can there be more things in history “that quizas never separate”.

It is hoped that in the near future Alex Villanueva will confirm the version of the excess speed, and that the parameters that will burn the “black hole” of the SUV demonstrates that Tiger accelerates at the moment of shock and that he loses control of the vehicle including velocity. An aspect to be taken into account is that this part of the carriageway is a meaningful tram and in which accidents occur habitually.

Without embarrassment, the media quoted addresses the mystery surrounding the investigation into the main pillars: desconocen if Woods was conscious of losing control of the van and tampoco tuvieron una orden para inspekarar su telephono cellular.

The Department of Sheriff do not know if the exit sportswoman is lucid at the moment of precipitation by the stairs. To top it off, the police forces insure that Tiger keng recordaba nada de lo ocurrido nie, although it is well known to be associated with the fact that golpeó “Three or four times the cabin with some duro in the cabin”.

At the same time, can not determine if they are waiting for a call or sending a message for some application at the time of the accident there is no order to revise the cellular. Only the sources consulted by TMZ, the Department considered “What is not probable cause” to inspect the device, even if it appears to be habitual in accident investigations.

Woods' vehicle terminated after the accident (Photo: Reuters)
Woods’ vehicle terminated after the accident (Photo: Reuters)

The Hall of Mystery is the mayor’s teniendo claiming to have opened one day behind the bill Balju Alex Villanueva advised that habían concluded the investigation, but planted: “Have some privacy issues with information sharing, we ask (Woods and his staff) if he renounces privacy. So, bottom line is that we need full publication ”.

One detail, however, is that in the first hours after the collision, the Sheriff’s Office of the Condo held a press conference in which, as Woods said, he used some substance that powder would influence his suicide to drive. “No parish is without the influence of alcohol, drugs or any type of stupefaction”, dijeron por entonces.

As it could be reconstructed, Tiger crashed around the 7th floor in Rolling Hills Estates when his vehicle abandoned the carriageway, crossing lanes, colliding with a railroad and ending at a route cost. A young bomber found the actor’s key to his rescue. Through surgeries that are practiced by the lesions in the pierns, the golfer abandoned the hospital in March and went to his home in Florida to continue with the recovery. “I am happy to inform you that he has recovered at home and will continue my recovery. I am very pleased with the many supports and rewards we receive during the last weeks ”, written by entries in his social speeches.


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