Damián ‘Kitu’ Díaz, idol of Barcelona SC, will be summoned in March to the selection of Ecuador | Football | Deport

El Kitu has a big figure from the Barcelona Sporting Club for the conquest of the national titles of 2012, 2016 and 2020.

For those who support Ecuador’s selection in March against Venezuela and Chile, it could be considered the nominee for Damien Díaz, the Argentine-Ecuadorian creative wing.

Díaz, 34 years old, born in Rosario on May 1, 1986 (the same day that his team, Barcelona SC, celebrates 61 years of foundation), was born in the second half of October 2015 in the military league in June 2015. 2011 and mediados de 2013- through his step on the football of Medio Oriente thanks to a management of the candidates for the presidency José Francisco Cevallos.

Volvo will donate to the Barcelona T-shirt in the run-up to the 2016 season. On January 24, 2017, he received his naturalization card as an Ecuadorian.

“Formally, Kitu Díaz completes 5 years in the country for these holidays, so that for March and can be taken to account for the selection “, revealed the guy Gabriel Wainer, technical secretary of the Tricolor, to the radio quiteña Deportiva Area.

El Kitu has one of the figures from the team squad to find the national titles of 2012, 2016 and 2020. It is based on the vision in the camp, precision, its associated game and constant search of the rival arcade to mark.

About the footballer, Alfaro commented in November of last year, on the Football Channel, that he Kitu have the footballing attributes that will help to strengthen its strategy.

Damián (Díaz) is standing and is under consideration. We do not convocamos because he has a gray for his time to live in the country. I hope there is an advertisement for points. In February it will be considered. It’s a player that the team can descend on, ”the DT anticipated.

“U neem waar Díaz, looking for a player with that break, organizing a game in moments of crisis or tension that could happen in a game. It was publicly stated that the taste buds were summoned and that the gates were opened, ”he said.

The Tricolor will play on March 25 at the Caracas Olympic Stadium in front of the Llaneros and the 30th will be held in Chile at the Rodrigo Paz de Quito Stadium. (D)
