Dámaso López reduced his pencil case to 14 years old dogs at “Chapo” and accused Emma Coronel

Detained in May 2017 and released to the EU in July 2018 (Photo: Archive)
Detained in May 2017 and released to the EU in July 2018 (Photo: Archive)

Dámaso López Núñez, El Licenciado, reduce your life to 14 years, luego de ser condenado af 2018 a una sentencia de cadena perpetua. With the cual, the key testifies in the judgment against Joaquín Guzmán Loera, El chapo, has obtained the benefit of cooperating in order for his partner to be able to live in the ring.

Agreed with the registers of the Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP), López Núñez has a release date for release on August 11, 2032. Cabe detached that in year of the year passed was reported a motion to reduce its time through travel, but since then nothing has happened.

El Licenciado, Guzmán Loera’s head coach, fue released on November 30, 2018, declared guilty of drug trafficking in a Alexandria Tribunal, Virginia. The case includes one $ 25 million embargo.

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El compadre del Chapo has accepted its responsibility for the trafficking of less than 450 kilograms of cocaine one month ago de que le fuera leída su pena.

López Núñez accedio and that his defense hiccups an agreement with the North American fiscal. Manuel Retureta, a lawyer for narcotics, asked TS Ellis to say that his client had been taken to a prison, where he had been charged.

Following the BOP, el Licensed now is in the USP Canaán penitentiary of Wayne County. There is a minimum security recovery camp, located in the north of Pennsylvania.

Contacted by Infobae México, Manuel Retureta prefirió reservarse any comment about the case.

In the last days, the number of Dámaso López Núñez cobras relevance because his testimony is key in the charges against his partner, Emma Coronel Aispuro, who was charged in the District of Columbia last February 17 and arrested at the Washington-Dulles airport five days later.

Here are some of the highlights in the accusation presented a week ago, also López Núñez’s testimonials, who declared against his computer on the 22nd and 23rd of January 2019 in the 8D room of the Corte del Distrito Este de Nueva York in the llamado “Juicio del siglo”.

Acaso lo unique nuevo es que las North American authorities decided to reveal the identity of his “Testigo Colaborador 1” for more formality, but in essence, López Núñez. Can you corroborate with print records regarding the comparability of Licensed with similarities that rayan in the obvio.

Information on development …
