Dale shape and volume in braces with these 22 triceps exercises

The brachial triceps is the musculo skoolhoof para dar volumen a los brazos since it occupies all the posterior part of the same, from the code to hombro. If you want to complete a complete form, and log in as a mayor, then increase the amount of money, this article can serve as a guide.

Aspects to keep in mind

triceps anatomy

The number of triceps is calculated and formed by three heads (tri = three + ceps = heads). From the front end of the brace we will find the lateral cava (external), long cava and medial cortex (short). All of them are active when we perform triceps ejaculation, but we can attack one another in the middle of the mayor, depending on the position of our braces in respect of the trunk.

When we do a triceps ownership with the codes by the part of the body the large cube is estimated in the middle. If the codes are encrypted at cost, we will execute the ownership agreement more in the lateral (mainly) and medial cage. To attack the medial cabeza (mainly) and laterally the codes should be ligered by the cost.

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The type of agar that we also use influences the activation in the mayor or the lower middle of each triceps cave. With a neutral agar (the palms of the manos are mired between them) have a balance of the three cabbages. An agrarian prono (the position of the manuscripts that miramos the reloj de la muneca) encompasses more lateral cabeza, while the supino agar (the agrarian opposite to the anterior) also increases the activity of the medial cabeza.

Respect for the ejaculation of triceps ejaculations, the deben codes will continue to abreast while they are realized and the monks will always be permanent static. It is not necessary to know exactly what zone the muscle is working, but it is recommended use the different positions of the codes and types of agar comments, as we will estimate the triceps in their totality and we will register a mayor mass increase muscle.

We will aggravate the differences holdings in four families, depending on the position of the code, the form that builds your training routine elijas an ownership of each group and estimates the mayor amount of muscle fibers, optimizing as well as the training.

  • Triceps exercises with the code about the cabeza
  • Triceps exercises with body code
  • Triceps exercises with the code at the cost
  • Triceps exercises with the body code of the body

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Triceps exercises with the code about the cabeza

ownercicio sobre cabeza

In this family of ownership logramos una mayor activation of the large cabbage. Consist in elevating the brace until the codes are located on the lads of the cabeza, or queden ligamente by delante de ella.

Extensions of triceps on cabbage and man with hips

The video directories follow. You can also make pie, but it is more recommended to be sedated to center our muscles in the triceps, and not in other muscle groups. It’s interesting to try with two hands or with one to see our sensations and choose what we like best.

The following video is from a man. The option to hack with one of the men is so important for this first time as for all the days.

Triceps extensions on cabbage with bar

The same prior ownership can be executed also with right bar or bar Z. The main difference is the type of agar, and with bar we can realize as much agar with the palm trees as the one below. With the bar Z we can also make different fees for its form.

Triceps extensions on headboard

The poles are an excellent choice because they can generate constant tension. In this case we will cover the same movement, but from one pole to another. Can be realized with cord or with any other agrarian for varying the ownership.

Extensions of triceps on cabbage with rubber

This estimate is the same as the previous acquisition using the pole, but in this case we can do so at home, as in the air, since we only need an elastic band.

Extensions of triceps on head with machine

In the form of free form, as now, there are machines that perform the same form of movement. A machine that we can use is video, although depending on our gym there are different machines.

Extensions of triceps on cabbage in inclined bench

An interesting modification is change bank inclination, because now the codes require a little more than all the previous acquisitions. This affects the biomechanics of the uterus, as the stem is also ligatively modified. You can use a bar Z as in the video, or use shortcomings, a polish or a rubber band.

Extensions of triceps on top with high pole

On this occasion the power line changes and you can hear the weight from the lower end. But on this occasion, the weight moves from the rear to the front, so we should also introduce this variation in our box of triceps exercises.

TRX triceps extensions

The TRX is another of the materials, together with the elastic bands, which are very useful for training at home or for free air. Execute the owner as in the video, knowing that how many verticals do we cost less effort, and even more so in our situation, our results will be easier.

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Triceps exercises with body code

Ejercicios codo delante del cuerpo

This is the second largest family of triceps. The codes are now found by the part of the body but not lifted as in the previous claims. In this position the large cabbage will be the one that is the largest part of the work.

French press with bar

The French press is the starfish for the triceps. In this case you can visualize with a bar. It’s very common that the codes tend to separate, as they do not intend to do so during the entire corridor.

French press with shortcomings

Many people suffer from molestation in the French press with a bar, which prefers to perform with men. The ejaculation is the same, but the libertad de las mancuernas allow us to release this tension in the mouths that we can feel with the bar.

French press with pole

Antes ya comments that the poles generate a constant tension during all the ownership. Además, change the bar or the maneuvers by a pole we have in this case that the force revenge in oblique, y no desde abajo hacia arriba (venciendo a la gravedad) como lo hacemos con el peso libre.

Triceps extension with machine support codes

In this machine, the position is the body of the French press, but it also makes it difficult to get rid of our feelings and support the codes in support. Of this form the triceps are completely aisle ya que toda la instabilidad nos la aporta la mákina.

Druk banca con agarre estrecho

This ownership is equal to the bank press that we use to train the pectoral, but in this case las manos se sitúan más juntas, giving mayor important to triceps and less to pectoral. Puedes llevarlo a cabo también con dos mancuernas, y es un eercicio que perentra trainen mit mucho peso.

Triceps exercises with the code at the cost

Ejercicios con codos en costado

In the third family of triceps ownership, we enclose the cost codes, or the same, by entering the lateral cube of the triceps mainly. These estates are known as tirones hacia abajo (druk af) o jalones.

High pole tricolor

Agarrando una cuerda, o algún otro agarre, pays the codes at cost and implements the code extension without moving anything more than the antebrazo. It is important that you pay attention to what you are doing, and that you should do it. The aspect we want to avoid.

Tricolor band with band

One more time we can work the triceps with an elastic band, which is what you can do in the gym or in any place.

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Triceps exercises with the body code of the body

Ejercicios con codo detrás del cuerpo

In the neighborhood, and ultimately, family of triceps owners the codes are located ligeramentally by the back of the body. They mainly work with the media cage, although they can only carry one of the others, and the three caves work with all the owners.

Triceps funds in the bank

The triceps fund in bank is another of the triceps holdings that can you realize in any sitio with a bank, a chair or any support where you support your brazos.

Tricycle backgrounds in parallel

If the triceps funds in the bank result in very easy, you can increase the intensity of executing your funds in a parallel machine. In this ownership work with all your corporate weight for which a great intensity is required.

Machine triceps foundations

If you are not able to make the triceps foundations in parallel, a Excellent option to start, and you are progressing every month more son the triceps foundations in machine. Movement is the same, but in this case we can regularly load the item.

Traced triceps traces with mane

Although in this movement we can move a few pounds, the triceps contract against maximum shape. It’s a great choice to make at the end of your training.

Potadas traces of triceps with pole

You can see the same requirement that the traces be traced to the culprits, but I also change that they commented earlier. Mancuerna es vencida por el peso de la gravedad (de abajo hacia arriba). If the weight of the pole comes alive in oblique, as you can see in the video. It’s one little difference that we have to take into account time to vary the owners.

Tripadas trace straps with band

If you want to simulate the paths traced with pole training at home or in a park, you can realize the paths traced with tape. Ownership is the same thing in this case we use an elastic band to make a pole.

En Vitónica | A routine to train your braces completely in the gym

Images | iStock

Videos | Team.0 Olympus, IPTVREVOLUCION, Noelia Segura IFBB Pro, VikikaTeam, Power Girl web, Sergio Crespo EP, Mark Fox, trainido, SportCityMexico, Fitness & Coach, Canal WorkoutClub, DLFitness, portalfitness, Bryan S lópez, P4P Español, Omar Sabik Franco Parra, FIT -24X7
