¡Da la cara !, Vicente Fernández is famous for photography

“Mano larga”, “acosador”, fueron solo algunos de las tantas palabras negas que el querido cantante Don Vicente Fernández recibió despue de se hicieran virales unas imagens en las que tocaba a una joven indebidamente. For this reason, the Charro de Huentitán has regressed to the public eye and from the car ante the signals for the photograph.

Vicente Fernández gave an interview to his ex now Mara Patricia Castañeda, in the decision to discuss the topic that has caused enormous uproar in social speeches in the last days. The singer showed off his most tranquil and asked for a disclosure to the media about how he interpreted the situation.

The father of Alejandro Fernández touched on the theme and signal that at no time was his intention to pass “mano larga” with the young man and that if the intention was to do so, he was not in front of the rooms or in a public situation; to say the least, the hobbies were lifted to the cavalry.

You can be interested in: ¿Acosador ?, signed by Vicente Fernández of “mano larga”

The interpretation of A Pesar de todo destacó que eran muchas las persona que visitaban su rancho y que subían y bajaban rapidamente, por lo que nisiquiera recuerda el momento en que ocurrió eso o su estaban bromeando él y la chica.

Vicente Fernández signaled that he had moved his mane into the abdomen of the young man and that the parish was somewhat appropriated and decided to move; without embarrassment, the photo was captured at the time of the meeting.

The Mexican song, one of the most wanted songs in the country, has revealed a chic to the chic about the situation and the fact that it is suicidal. Mara Patricia Castañeda the questioner considers that the statements of this young man and others of the women consider that they have monetary fines.

The singing signal that it hopes that there is no sea, that there is no smoke with morbo; if not, if a request is made against it, the amount corresponding to the same form with professionals.

The interpreter makes sure that he is very nervous about seeing such a person and that he does not actually know every detail of what he is doing. The periodical refers to the fact that the woman wears the pedian centered on her paws for the photographs.

The artist participates in the interview that he holds his ranch open to the public and the visitors always have up to 12 songs; in addition to darles the space to photograph with el. Vicente Fernández destacko that the day to allow that ingresaran despise that four that the large number of visitors podrian poner in risk the integrity of them same.

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Fernández signaled that he was uncomfortable with the situation because he was full of tears and tears. Dijo que él no ha sido un santo; sin embargo, sabe respetar y jamás haría algo Kindgylk.

Compartieron que en palenques y demás shows las fans le pedían including fotografiarse besandolo y demás, pero el en todo momento with respect and que including alzaba las manos para que notaran que elo hahía algo indebido.

The Mexican famous destroyer who was an unintentional person commenced with the note; on the other hand, he always received it in his home, including his previous loan. Don Vicente Fernández shared that he was not allowed to detain and complain about the malicious intentions in his notes.
