The Minister of External Relations checks declared this March that he had tried to kill all the Russian diplomats in Prague despite the recent expulsions of Russian citizens, after he accused the Russian secret services (GRU) of carrying out an attack in 2014 on his territory. .
“I am prepared for everything. Include to build new relationships from scratch. It means that the mandarins we all have in our house ”, verklaaró Jan Hamacek, who also holds the title of Interior’s carter.
The checo checo explained that convocate the mercenaries to the Russian ambassador Alexandre Zmeievski to communicate new media, after that Moscow expelled 20 diplomats checks, in retaliation for the previous decision to expel 18 Russians.
Hamaceck also called on the European Union and the OTAN to expel Russian diplomats to show solidarity with Prague. “We call on the collective action of UE and OTAN member states to carry out solidarity-based evictions”, indicates Hamacek ante periodistas.
This lame man has been lying after that Prague accuses the Russian secret services of perpetuating a fatal explosive attack in Czech territory, in 2014, some authors agree with the intentions of the double-agent agent Serguéi Skripal to get married.
The explosion of 2014 in a munitions depot in Vrbetice, in this Czech territory, is offset by the deaths and important materials.
In this context, Prague has also decided to suspend the exclusion of the Russian nuclear energy agency Rosatom from a call for tenders to build a new unit in a nuclear plant.
Hamacek also said that his government would not buy the Sputnik V vaccine against covid-19, developed by Russia.
United States returned immediately to Prague the Domingo and the Department of State praise its company responds to “Russia’s subversive actions in its own right”.
The dispute is the largest between Prague and Moscow since the end of decades of Soviet European domination in 1989.
It also sums up the tensions between Russia and the West in general, planted in part by the Russian military presence on its western and Crimean fronts, which Moscow annexed to Ukraine in 2014, after an increase in hostilities between the government y las fuerzas prorrusas en el este de Ucrania.
Russia says that the accusations of Prague are absurd, that they were previously había culpado de la explosion in Vrbetice, a capital of 300 kilometers, a los propietarios del depósito.
También also classified the evictions as “the continuation of a series of anti-Russian actions taken by the Czech Republic in the last years”, accusing the Prague of “forcing the plaintiff to join the United States in the context of recent sanctions.
With information from AFP, EFE and Reuters