Cynthia Rodríguez sufre caida in pleno program in vivo | EL IMPARCIAL

CITY OF MEXICO.- The conductor of the popular program Venga la alegría (VLA), Cynthia Rodríguez on the occasion of the supreme opportunity to have a device live during the show live.

During the month of this Wednesday, December 30th, Carlos Rivera’s novel will return the balance and end in the first half of the year of the set and its companions.

Rodríguez also has a very fresh outfit. It is seen with a pink minifalda, a white top color and huge tacos that are sure to provoke its new career in the program while going to cover the section of the “Destrampados” payouts.

Luego de su percance, the presenter commented that this was the last time he had the ox alive.

“I was going to say something, it’s my last year so these are the promises. Además, no sé qué pasó, pateé se se me dobló el pie ”, express.

It is not the first time that the popular singer and actress has been running the show for a long time, and by 2020 it will have more tropical traps than it appears to have, the use of tacos.

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