Cynthia Rodríguez and Carlos Rivera Demonstrate Public Love

This is March 15, with the motive of the companions 35 of the song Carlos Rivera, su novia, la conductora de ‘Venga la Alegría’, Cynthia Rodríguez, no dudo and gritar a los cuatro vientos quuanto lo ama.

Through his social speeches, Cynthia demonstrates his love of Carlos in public and wrote an amorous message.

“A day like today, some years ago, God sent to this world most amazing and talented man which he knows in my life. You are the reason for my sonrisa. What is the point, amarte and celebrates every year. Happy Holidays mi vida! Carlos Rivera ”, wrote together a photo of his novel with a pastel and velvet azules.

This is the photo with what love is on display:

Cynthia finalizes her message by asking her followers to congratulate her cumpleaños, “Vayan has a lot of love that the Universe enters!”.

Debate that the couple will not demonstrate this form of their love, Carlos also surprised to contest the Cynthia message, and wrote: “You are my biggest regal”.

carlos rivera cynthia rodríguez relationship amor public cumpleaños

Han sido second hand in those that both have given details of his romance, being the mainstay he has had more of his relationship with some sections of the Azteca TV show, other times on social media and elsewhere in ‘Pinky Promise’, commenting that he likes to be with Carlos.

carlos rivera cynthia rodríguez relationship amor público cumpleaños

‘Yo estoy con mi alma gemela totally, stay with the love of my life. I’m happy and I believe the two superfelices are. For me it is very important to family and so it’s algo that también le gustó mucho mi mi novio, son cosas que te unen como pareja y son cosas que te hacen pasar momento que no han sido tan fakils como esta pandemia, pero cuando tienes cosas tan a fin con la persona la la que estás y quuando haces lo que te gusta, creo que eso es lo mejor que te puede pasar en la vida … I sing (be mad), sí is a plan that binds and does not tan a largo plazo, dijo.
