“Cyberpunk” Keanu Mod Upsets Developer

Cyberpunk Keanu Mod Upsets Developer

The CD Cyberpunk 2077 developer, CD Project Red, has asked players of the title to please refrain from agreeing with Keanu Reeves.

One of the few versions of the high-profile sci-fi video game that (mostly) worked correctly was the PC version of the title. Reeves also plays a key role as the character of Johnny Silverhand in the game, giving not only his voice but also his physical resemblance to the character.

Although the player cannot have sex with Silverhand, you can do so with other characters. Recently, fans have come up with fashionable online, which exchanges some character models and thus allows players to work with Reeves’ character.

Since Reeves appearance is a real person instead of a character creation, the developer tells PC Gamer that the rules are a bit different and therefore they take a different attitude towards them than other mods:

Our most important rule regarding user-generated content, especially game modes, is that it may not be harmful to others. In the case of model swap transactions, especially those involving explicit situations, it can be considered as such by the people who borrowed our looks to create characters in Cyberpunk 2077.

Therefore, when creating fans, creators should make sure they have permission from all parties involved (these could be people who are not CD PROJECT RED). For the characters we devised for the game, we allow you to customize the game at will and just have fun.

As for the models of real people that we have asked you to participate in the game, ask you to refrain from doing so in any situation that may be offensive if you do not have explicit permission.

Mods are now common among games, especially larger AAA titles, where major changes are made to almost every part of a video game. CD Project Red’s previous major release, “The Witcher 3”, remains one of the most muddy games out there.

However, CD Project Red has its own problems to worry about as they continue to deal with the consequences of the various issues with ‘Cyberpunk 2077’ and are working on updates to try to improve it over time.
