Cyberpunk fans finally discover what V is doing in bed

Thanks to an ingenious mod that enables a third-person camera shift, Cyberpunk 2077 fans are finally solving one of the game’s biggest puzzles.

To say it Cyberpunk 2077 a rocky start would be a tremendous understatement. With a laundry list of bugs, errors and other technical issues, Cyberpunk 2077 for many players it is now unplayable. Although, perhaps one of the game’s most notorious, supposed errors, in the form of how the player character V sleeps in the game.

The position in which V sleeps Cyberpunk 2077 since it was first noticed, many memes online have been the topic. Considering how the whole game is played from a first person perspective, many players have found it incredibly strange that when they wake up after sleeping, they have slept perpendicularly on the bed. As if their chest was lying on top of the bed with their legs off the side.

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Fortunately, thanks to a mod inside Cyberpunk 2077 allowing the player’s perspective to fluctuate back and forth between first person and third person, ultimately showing what V is doing while sleeping. While that makes sense in terms of what they do in the game, it still seems rather bizarre.

The fact is that V decides to sleep consistently horizontally on the bed, as opposed to the vertical angle. It would be one thing if the dystopian future appeared Cyberpunk 2077 a new, matric mattress that enables users to sleep horizontally. Maybe there’s even an ad in the game Cyberpunk 2077 talking about these inventive new mattresses, but the fact that the mattress still has a pillow and a blanket lying vertically on the bed is rather strange.

Fortunately, this solves the great mystery of why V sleeps like this. For a long time, players assumed that it was just another in a long line that common mistakes occur Cyberpunk 2077, but it’s now clear that this was a deliberate design choice made by CD Project Red, and that it’s for better or worse is how V is supposed to sleep in the game.

It will be interesting to see what the future holds Cyberpunk 2077. Clearly the game in its current state is still very buggy, but much like The Witcher 3 for this, Cyberpunk 2077 has the potential to solve all the notable problems that are currently plaguing the game. Although, hopefully the day will be sooner rather than later, given how extensive the bugs and errors are in the game. Only time will tell.

Cyberpunk 2077 is now available for PC, PlayStation 4, Stadiums and Xbox One, with PS5 and Xbox Series X / S versions currently being developed.

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