Cyberpunk 2077’s first major update comes in the next ten days

After the disastrous launch of Cyberpunk 2077, CD Project Red, says it’s releasing the first update within the next ten days, with a larger, more important update in the weeks that follow. In a video released today, co-founder Marcin Iwinski issued a mea culpa to players, adding that he and board members are ‘the final decision makers’ for the game’s erroneous release. “Please do not blame any of our teams for what happened,” Iwinski said.

In the five-minute video, Iwinksi said that “despite good reviews on a computer, the console version of Cyberpunk 2077 does not meet the quality standard we wanted to meet. I and the entire leadership team are very sorry about this. Iwinksi then pointed out the massive scope of the game and the developer’s serious underestimation of how much work it would take to adapt vision to reality. “We really believed we would deliver the last few days,” he said.

On its website, CD Project Red outlined concerns in a wide range of questions. In response to the quality gap between the computer version of the game and the older generation of consoles, the developer said that it makes the job more difficult for ourselves by first making the game look like PCs and then adapting it to consoles – especially old ones – gens. That was our core assumption. And things did not seem very difficult at first, while we knew that the hardware gap had finally proved that we had underestimated the task. ‘

In the future, CD Project Red says it ‘is committed to fixing bugs and crashes and will continue to work and improve the game through future updates to make sure you enjoy the game regardless of the platform.’ The work will apparently also have an impact on the game’s free DLC, which is also planned for this year. ‘We have decided that we need to focus on the most important solutions and updates. We will then release free DLC – we will have more to say about this in the coming months.

In December, shortly after the game’s release, Sony pulls Cyberpunk from the PlayStation Store and start offering refunds. ‘We’re working on fixes and updates and working with Sony to bring them about Cyberpunk 2077 back to PlayStation Store as soon as possible, ”wrote CD Projekt Red.

Developing …
