Cyberpunk 2077 players upset after discovering another feature

A new Cyberpunk 2077 update has split fans, and now a Reddit message is even more frustrating. Release Cyberpunk 2077 last year, CD Project Red cut a variety of features from the PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X / S and PC games. For example, the game once had a wall run, which CD Project Red featured in the title’s famous 2018 demo. Meanwhile, it looks like there will also be a shooting range in the game at some point.

On Reddit, one player recently stressed “how strange and disappointing” it is that the shooting range is used in the game for one mission and that’s it. Since it was posted, the video has shot to the top of the Reddit page, igniting the frustration of many people.

“It’s ridiculous that the series is inaccessible at home. Except for one mission. Literally no reason,” the comment reads. “It’s staggering that the amount of stuff removed from the game is so visible,” the second top commenter adds.

At the moment, it is unclear why the shooting range was apparently removed from the game. That said, although the above mission and the video below suggest that CD Project Red had plans on the shooting range that did not survive the cutting board, it was not confirmed like some of the other missing and removed features.

A little weird and disappointing that the shooting range has been removed from the game … from r / cyberpunkgame

If CD Project Red or a developer of the game provides more context or information on all of the above, we will update the story accordingly. That said, even if it is not the product of cut content, players are nonetheless disappointed with the implementation and realization.

Cyberpunk 2077 is available via the PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series S, Xbox Series X, PC and even Google Stadiums. Click here for more coverage on the best-selling global RPG – with all the latest news, all the latest rumors and all the latest leaks. In other recent and related news, the game’s biggest fan, Elon Musk, is not very happy with one particular feature in the game.
