Curt Schilling defends the legacy, beating ‘cowards’ after missing the baseball Hall of Fame

Former Red Sox pitcher Curt Schilling said he was “at peace” after not receiving the required votes to be inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame.

Schilling received 285 of the 401 votes, 71 percent, just 4 points shy of the 75 percent needed for incorporations, the Boston Globe reports. However, none of the candidates received enough votes to be inaugurated.

On Facebook, Schilling shared a lengthy statement that he said was also sent to the Baseball Writers’ Association of America.

Schilling called for removal from the vote, adding: ‘I do not think I’m a hall of fame as I have often said, but if former players think I am, I’ll take it with honor.

‘As I have often said in recent years to those with whom I have spoken in my heart, I am at peace. Nothing, zero, and none of the claims made by any of the authors deserve merit, “Schilling said. In my 22 years playing professional baseball in the most culturally diverse locker rooms in sports, I have never said or acted in any other capacity than being a good teammate. ‘

The retired baseball player probably refers to criticism of his behavior on social media where he attacked groups such as Muslims and transgender people. Schilling once tweeted a photo comparing Muslims to Nazis. His anti-trans comments online led to his dismissal as ESPN’s analyst.

A day after the deadly tragedy of the Capitol on January 6, Schilling posted several tweets defending the rioters while mocking the protesters of Black Lives Matter.

The Globe points to one incident in which Schilling said, “Okay, so very fantastic here” in a photo of a Trump supporter wearing a T-shirt that reads ‘Rope’. Tree. Journalist. Some meeting is needed. ”The Globe notes that Schilling’s hostile behavior on social media was likely to damage his chances of being inducted into the Hall of Fame.

“Never malicious, never to hurt anyone intentionally or intentionally. I was 100% liable and still am,” Schilling continued in his statement. “Even the thought of responding to allegations of ‘Nazi’ or ‘racist’ or any other term so watered down and meaningless by spineless cowards who have never met me makes me sick.”
