Cuomo says lawmakers will have to accuse him if they want him: AP

  • Governor Andrew Cuomo is facing resignation over allegations of sexual harassment.
  • The New York Democrat said lawmakers will have to charge him if they want to take him away, AP reported.
  • Six New York state lawmakers have already filed a lawsuit against him.
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As calls grow for his resignation, New York government Andrew Cuomo has told a top lawmaker they will have to charge him if they want him out of office, the Associated Press reports.

The Democrat is serving his third term as governor of New York, but has come under increasing criticism over the past few weeks over dealing with the coronavirus pandemic and allegations of sexual harassment. Several women have made accusations, while many other staff members told The Washington Post that Cuomo promotes a ‘hostile’ and ‘toxic’ workplace culture.

Andrea Stewart-Cousins, leader of the Senate majority in New York, said on Sunday that Cuomo should resign, while Carl Heastie, speaker of the Assembly, also said he was concerned about Cuomo’s “ability to continue to lead” .

Stewart-Cousins ​​was the first senior Democrat in the state to say Cuomo should resign and join calls already made by other state legislators.

Her statement comes in the wake of a press call in which Cuomo said he had “no way” to resign. He said it would be “anti-democratic” to resign over the allegations.

“They do not dominate the will of the people, but not the election,” Cuomo said. “I was elected by the people of New York State. I was not elected by politicians.”

Cuomo told a news conference with Stewart-Cousins ​​in a phone call Sunday before the press conference that they would have to accuse him if they wanted to let him go, a source told AP.

Some lawmakers in the state have already called for Cuomo’s accusation.

Six Democrats on Tuesday issued a joint letter calling for an indictment against the governor in light of allegations of sexual harassment.

“The reports of sexual harassment by women who have come forward courageously confirm what many in Albany have known for years: that Governor Cuomo is using his power to belittle, bully and harass his employees and colleagues,” the letter reads. Insider, said.

It went on to say: “The bills contribute to recent revelations of gross misconduct. It’s time for the legislature to claim liability. Accusations are the right way for legislators to hold the governor accountable for his many abuses of power and remove him from office. af. ‘

Although Cuomo insisted he would not resign, he apologized for his behavior.

“I now understand that I acted in a way that made people feel uncomfortable, and I sincerely and deeply apologize for that,” Cuomo told a news conference on Wednesday. “And honestly, I’m ashamed of it. And it’s not easy to say, but it’s the truth.”

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