Cuéntanos cómo está tu salud luego de haber vencido al covid-19 | Univision Chicago WGBO

Existing and the loose residents of Chicago because they want to repair the virus’ persistent problem as a largo plazo. Following the CDC, los que han sido notice boy:

  • Fatiga.
  • Difficulty breathing.
  • Tos.
  • Dolor in the articles.
  • Bad luck.
  • Difficulty thinking and concentrating (sometimes called “cloudy mind”).
  • Depression.
  • Dolor muscular.
  • Cage pain.
  • Intermittent fever.
  • Corazón que late rapido o muy fuerte (conocido como palpitaciones).

# VacunaCovid19 – #MiHistoriaCovid

Let’s know your story, Chicago! ¿Julle superaste el Covid-19? It seems that our accounts come to mind: if there are any problems with your physical health or mental health, the battle against the coronavirus has taken place, it is currently being shared.

Questions with Facebook and Twitter, using los Hashtag # VacunaCovid19 y #MiHistoriaCovid our explanations are as he puts his dollars into the large space that he linked to your vast product of the virus.

¿Is normal tener secuelas?

La investigación fue publicada af The Lancet and the result of the seguimiento to 1 733 patients going beyond dados de alta entre enero and the hospital in Wuhan China. Casi three thirds of the following supany of fatiga and debilidad spier six months later. Other reporting sites like insomnia, depression, anxiety or reduced pulmonary capacity. The sequels have been more frequent in women than in men and the media edu fue of 57 years.

“We do not know how late these patients are in full recovery of covid-19 or if the total recovery is possible in all cases”, insists StatNews Lixue Huang, co-worker of the study in question.

In July, an estimate of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC in English) indicates that 1 in every 3 people tends to die every three weeks after illness. The new research includes the possibility that these symptoms are unexplained at all times and confirms that many medical drugs are present in their consultants.

The studio “provides a solid confirmation of what we are looking for” and shows that a sustainable portion of the people, much greater than that of an experience in the general population, exhibits sins that have an impact”, Dobbelsteen New York Times, Steven Deeks, University of California School of Medicine professor leading a study on covid-19 long haulers: people who suffer from recurrent symptoms or suffer from post-Covid-19 syndrome.

