Cubano Rusney Castillo deja México contracted in Japan

The Cuban and ex-player of the Boston Red Sox, Rusney Castillo, led the Mexican League and now marches to Japan with a better contract.

Segun fuentes, Castillo firm with the Tohoku Rakuten Golden Eagle for a time, without embarrassment, the mountain has not been revealed.

We are dealing with a player who company for 72 million in 2014 with the Boston Red Sox, since then it has not been possible for the results to be considered a company’s prestigious contract with this team.

Rusney Castillo have not played in the MLB since 2016, when the Red Sox decided to release free on their return. Without embarrassment, at its stage in the Minor Leagues no more than one assassin with his wife, being the most of Triple-A.

During 3 hours in the MLB, el cubano bateo para 262 con 7 jonrones y 35 carreras remolcadas.

Here is the report:
