Cuban medicine joins Patria and Vida in its white bat

| 19/03/2021 – 19:39 (GMT-4)

The Cuban physician Alexander Jesús Figueredo boarded the popular consignment Patria y Vida in his white bat of owning the profession, according to the Bayamés doctor published in his social speeches.

The Facebook images show the white bat of the specialist specialist in urology and general medicine with the popular phrase bordada in the part of the cleft palate, while the front exhibits the logo of the Patriotic Association of Cubans in Ecuador.

“If there is any doubt about my palate … my beating is a list for the cola of freedom … PATRIA AND VIDA”, wrote Alexander Jesus to accompany the images of his beating.

The plot Patria y Vida, originating from the musical theme concoction of Yotuel Romero, Gente de Zona, Descemer Bueno, El Funky and Maykel Osorbo, has been converted into the preferred language that advertises the end of dictatorship in Cuba, while the governing Cuban has been castigated and permanently oppressed by women defending and reproducing.

The physician Alexander Jesús Figueredo has acquired relevance in the Cuban Independent media since February denounces the death of his father in connection with the collection of medicines and remedies at the hospital in Manzanillo, in the province of Granma.

“What serves as a medicine, has potency for the world, if it does not have jinguillas, gloves, probes, medicine, electro, ambulances, camillas, esfigmomanometers, sutures …” .

The doctor has also been criticized for his relationship with the governor of Iceland in social speeches, donde has terminated the maladministration of the State by having given up its options to the Cuban citizenship and is questioned as to what is resisting.

“Cuban works for a sueldo that lasts at least 10 days, which can be found in porquerías because comida, la de verdad, does not exist; because in travel not able to think, because to invest in not being able to aspire, because with complaining to his children not being able to heal. Y aprietan, y siguen apretando y nosotros resistiendo y yo me pregunto: ¿Resistiendo para qué? Have you had any thoughts about this? “, Escribió af Facebook.

It is not clear what can be retaliated against the action of the doctor, but the Cuban state has dedicated itself to acts of repute and military operas hasta arrest violent for women reproduces the phrase of public fashion.

In February the authorities organize a act of repudio against the activist Anyell Valdés, one of the water slides in San Isidro, during which the perimeter crosses the perimeter of the home and vandalizes with a blue painting on the front of the house to tap a Patria and Vida cartel.

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