Cuban actor Rafael Ernesto Hernández tried to convince the governor that he had failed in the direction of the nation

| 20/02/2021 – 15:37 (GMT-4)

Die akteur Rafael Ernesto Hernández pidió al goberno cubano que recognocanan que “han fallado en la dirección de la nation”, según escription in social speeches

Here is the statement of the reconciled actor on Facebook: “It is good to justify the political and economic failures with guest speeches. Recognize that he failed in the direction of the nation ”.

“Patriotism does not exist and ends in the Council of State and the Palace of Conventions. Abajo el podio y arriba la pluridad de voces ”, agregó Rafael Ernesto.

The actor also has a reference to the new musical success, Patria y Vida, protagonist by Yotuel, Maykel Osorbo, Gente de Zona, El Funky y Descemer, who launched a media campaign on the part of the governor.

“Every woman has a patriarchy and she has a right and a responsibility towards her. “I’m also a father and I’ll be alive and libertad no muerte”, says the actor.

Además, criticizes the intentions of the Cuban official media to classify the theme of annexationist and repost in this way:

“Nadie wants an annexation … and that annexationist repudiates her father. For whoever creates a political party and his interests are his greatest that the patriarchy, tampoco la valora, por tanto no la merece. He treated her bitterly with an ideology and put him at the service of this not knowing what he meant. Is this also an annexation form? ”, Verklaaró.

The actor summed up the complaints of a large part of the citizenship and an artistic movement that had won the sympathy of many Cubans to demand a political change in the government.

“If the consensus is supported by the means, ignorance and opportunism. For a meervoud patria. Patria eres tú, patria soy yo …. patria es humanityidad ”, enfatizó.

In ‘n post anterior, el habista había criticized a periodical reporter Lázaro Manuel Alonso for the NTV donde calumniaba los contenidos the protagonists of the new urban city of Cuba, that it surpassed the million views on Youtube.

“Mira is this insurmountable hopeful termination of annexation!”, The actor writes about one of the preferred ratings of the Cuban governing body to discredit any opposition.

“Who will be the ventriloquist who holds the mane in the rectum to this coin?”

Rafael Ernesto is known for his papers in national television and television news, and his actions in films. Ciudad en rojo (2009), by Carlos Espinosa, Lisanka (2009), by Daniel Díaz Torres, y The immovable passenger, by Tomas Piard (2007),

Has also acted with the El Público theatrical company in the popular Noche de Reyes, del director Carlos Díaz.

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