Cuba, the revolution of applause

On the 12th of January 2017, one week before the power, Barack Obama will give a portazo to the Cuban families. Eliminate the policy of “Secure, loyal” that allows any Cuban who wears North American powder to quiver. This policy acababa with pilgrimage traverses and extortions, but also with the hope of sending a family to the north, guaranteeing its future, and that powder can support what is quedaban in the island.

Obama, in his visit to the island, said: “Our nets are Islamic as an aberration. The future of Cuba has to be in the hands of the Cuban people ”. But they will find a way of escape, possible situations of conflict.

The pandemic of the covid empeorado the day to day in the calls of the island. During the blockade, the failure of the summit and the closure of tourism was added. It is impossible to keep track of the distances in the colossal numbers to acquire basic necessities. Only ten dollar denominations are abastecid.

The condition of 8 months of imprisonment to a rapper in November a series of minor protests by its minorities

And since this week, the preoccupation with the effects that will take place over the day will bring about the drastic devaluation that underpins the disappearance of the Cuban Peso and its homologation in monetary terms called convertible pesos. It is a fact that there will inevitably be a surge in prices and that economists will see an increase in inflation.

The main resources of Cuba’s resources depend on the exterior. Of its professionals working in other countries, family holidays, –the majority of flights from the United States–, and tourism. Each has its most tangible differences between families that have access to dollars and those who live solely on Cuban wages. And in a full-blown economic crisis, four years after the collapse of Fidel Castro, he was beaten by politicians. This time the protagonists have their own very young ones. On November 8, the anti-system rape Denís Solís was detained, from 31 years. A juicer expands the condensate and also measures imprisonment for “desacato”. Specifically, by virtue of the policy entered into its domicile.

As a protest, his companions of the San Isidro Movement, of the Habana Vieja, coordinated by the artist Luis Miguel Otero Alcántara, for 33 years, will take part in the organization of the organization from the 16th of November. Dos días después, al cortarles el suministro de alimentos, se declararon en huelga de hambre. There are those who accuse of “marginal”, but surprising the youth and the variety of the integrants, some from 18 or 21 years.

A group of poets, professors, artists and Christian collectives in LGTBI have forced Gobierno to make a deal

Poets, ecologists, art professors, Christian, Muslim, members of the LGTBI community together with some scientists and periodicals are reunited locally. This group is considered to be a non-aerospace group without having to confirm the results of its PCR test. A night, approving this hecho, with the proposal to guarantee the protocol of the covid, the authorities the sales. The reaction to the current retentions, known on the Internet, was that a hundred artists and intellectuals were planted in front of the Ministry of Culture.

On November 27, the group will hold a general public inquiry into the intention to launch it. Every 15 minutes alabaster complaining about being interviewed by the authorities, in which he was called “The Revolution of Applause”.

After a long wait, 32 representatives of the city council met in the interior of the ministry with the Deputy Minister of Culture, Fernando Rojas. Accompanied by actor Jorge Perugorría and director of cinema Fernando Pérez Valdés. Salieron with what is considered “fundamental agreements”. If you want to open a dialogue channel, you can follow it. Created as independent artists can be reunited without being hosted.

“The Grand Duchy has obliged Gobierno to negotiate; is an ant and a despue ”, double Rafael Rojas, historian

To the professor of history Rafael Rojas, hermano of the Deputy Minister, resident in Mexico, habra “an antes and a despue” of this moment “The Mayor logro
of these fires 27 was not due to the promise of reprimand, because we will complete a state like the Cuban. Sino por haber obligated to power to negotiate. It’s something that can not escalate to the holy sites of San Isidro ”.

During these days, the activists had to make every move for the speeches. Su gran altavoz; the telephones. Since the movement was denounced, some abuse of power, sea in La Habana, Pekín or Sabadell. The huelguistas or their friends related their version of the hechos through Twitter, Facebook or Instagram. También lo han accounted new media of digital communication as Periodism of Barrio , El Estornudo , Tremenda Note o Rialta editions.

“The Revolution of the Applause” has taken some traditional chronicle. Carlos Manuel Álvarez, a 31-year-old Cuban periodical writer and writer. He was taken to the sanctuary of San Isidro and described his times and his personal significance, for the The Washington Post , El País y el The New York Times . His thesis is that “Mantener una puesta en stagen del silencio de los cubanos en plena crisis es un lujo que el goberno ne se puede permitir y el descontento social es visible”.

In order to agree on a period of calm, the police have practiced detentions and vigilance in the accidents

Through the first moments, the governor and the official media he accused the mercenaries of “mercenaries”. His parties organized demonstrations of repudio frente at the domiciles of the dissidents. The police have practiced detentions, interrogators and domestic vigilantes. One of the most successful is the chronicler Alvarez.

On December 4, the Ministry of Culture Culture, from its web page, has every chance to agree with the so-called “Independent Artists”; “He has been autoclaved since time immemorial for his aggression on patriotic symbols, communal crimes, frontal attacks in the direction of the Cuban revolution, albeit the disgrace of art. The Ministry of Culture will not meet with people who have direct contact, and receive financial support, logistical support and the propagandistic response of the United States Government ”.

On January 20, 2021 Joe Biden will be the new North American president. In the United States, there is a new generation of Cuban-Americans who voted for the Democratic candidate, because it would be better for the day and the day of its origins.

Professor Esther Suárez judged that these actions in her case: “The signals are clear”

In these close quarters of a year, Cuba’s policy of pursuit of Washington could have more practical effects than in the Barack Obama period. If the Democrats concede, –tras the record in the state of Georgia–, the mayor, as well as the Congress as in the Senate, can suppose the principle of the end of the Helms-Burton o, until the historic block, the “ externo ”.

Due to the “internal block”, known as a possible change of scenarios, the Cuban governor prefers the image of authority. Habrá que ver in de proximos meses si se trunca una historische maldición. When it comes to end-to-end positions between Washington and La Habana, some extreme of the Florida Straits lads trunks and wolves make it impossible.

“The revolution of the applause”, has served to patent an aspiration of the intellectual world. In the universities of the island, uniformity and fortitude are required. Professor Esther Suárez Durán, des La Young Cuba the analysis from the internal critique: “I do not think it can happen as a successful result. It is a signal of the most sensitive parts of the social issue, given the need for these measures to ensure the participation of the needy. Las señales han sido claras, La sociedad civil, necesita ya mismo, de espacio. Bureaucratic socialism has no place in participatory socialism. ”

With Biden in power, the relationship with Cuba will have the most practical effects that in the Obama era

Through the first generation of the Trova, one of the first protest songs in Cuba, Guillermo Tell, author Carlos Varela. The letter reads: “Guillermo Tell me not to understand his hat, that one day the manzana buries in the cabeza. He tried to try his valor … ”

He is not his wife, like Carlos Varela who is 57 years old, he is the nephew of the revolutionaries or the bisnietos, the ones who did not pass.
