Cuba: Sin Castros y sin esperanza de cambios en Miami | International

This time it has no music, no abrasions, no tears, no gritos of libertad. If in 2016 the death of Fidel Castro is celebrated as a carnival in the Pequeña Habana of Miami, the formal announcement of the death of his German minor Raúl del Poder will live in silence, with less fanfare and more skepticism in the capital of the Cuban exile . “Mentras sigan historians con vida, ellos van a seguir mandando en Cuba. To those who put in the power of it like puppets like the mueven ”, humble Humberto López, 82 years old, one of the directors of the Brigade 2506, the organization of veterans of the failed invasion of Bahia de Cochinos, a historic hecho of that this week is completed 60 years.

In April 1961, at the age of 22, López formed part of the mayor’s intention to step down with the arms of Fidel Castro, in which a billion and a half of Cuban exiles took part. Although the December balance with a fraction, the sovereignty of the group, which was captured during these years in Cuban and then liberated countries, celebrates these anniversaries of the invasion with one ointment of what happened in the Congress of the see the celebrity of La Habana. ‘Yo no creo que va a haber muchos cambios. Following is the same nomenclature that was mandated for 60 years until the cycle of life took place, “said López in the seat of the Museum of the Brigade 2506, following a parade plagued by photos of the dead: the” martyrs ” que murieron peleando por la libertad de Cuba ”, in the center; and those who failed to fall — and other wars like Vietnam or the Edad — to the lads.

For a long time, Cuban exiles were soared that the death of Fidel Castro marked the end of the regime by which the island was to be destroyed. Peru la larg enfermedad del líder de la revolution revolution Cuban permí unan transition de poder paulatina hacia su hermano Raúl. Quince years later that he was pushed to the front of the Gobierno – which in 2018 in the hands of Miguel Díaz-Canel – the point of passing the relevance of the leadership of the Cuban party, it is demonstrated that it is possible to think of a more castrism than los Castro. “The Cuban system and governor is more than an appeal. We like it, we have a commitment that goes beyond the personalities of the leaders, the only one who wants to say that for the new generation of leaders there is no challenge “, afirma Michael Bustamante, professor of Latin American history at the International University of Florida (FIU, por sus siglas en Engels).

Author of libro Cuban Memory Wars (The wars of the memory of the Cubans) who explored the traumas of the Moldovan exile from the perception of history to the lads of the Florida Strait, Bustamante said that, independently of the changes that were announced at the Congress of the Communist Party, there was not much hope between the Cubans in the United States . The island is living its economic crisis for 30 years, plagued by the effects of the pandemic on tourism and the repercussions of Donald Trump’s sanctions (which Joe Biden has maintained so far).

“I believe that the strength of the second Castro del Poder will allow Cubans to imagine a Cuba without the dogma of representing this appeal”, said with some optimism Guennady Rodríguez, a lawyer who went to Miami in 2013. Transfer from Cuba to a studio – whether you can make it to one of the opening hours approved by Raúl Castro in order to eliminate the visa requirements for women who are traveling -, this year passed Cuban 39 years ago 23 years Flagler, an independent platform to offer topical content with a more progressive vision than the key duration of exile.

“La Mayoría de los que trabajamos ahí creemos en el engagement (cooperation) between the two countries and has an Islamic policy that has no results “, defends Rodríguez, who confides that Biden complied with the promise of a mayor of Cuba as a way of impulsive change in the island of Iceland mayor pluralism and democratization of society. “I’ve been pretty deceived by the length with which Biden acted. There is no way to justify banning a person from giving remedies to those who believe they are necessary, ”said Bustamante, a FIU professor, referring to the decision of the new administration to take some mediocre meds by Trump. difficult for Cubans to send money to their families.

“The time for our reason”

Without embarrassment, the academic acknowledges that in the last few years, with the presidency of Trump, he has repeated the actions of the Cubans in exile some practical questions, such as the remittances of the Cuban-American routes to the island, which President Barack Obama has been flexible in the historic process of dealing with La Habana. According to the latest public opinion poll conducted by the FIU, in the 2020 finals a 54% of Cuban and Cuban-Americans in Miami support the embargo on Cuba down to 31.6% which will be established in favor of this medium in 2016.

The veterans of Bahia de Cochinos Humberto López and Arturo Sánchez Bella posan delante of the photos of the caidos in the museum of the Brigade 2506 in Miami el viernes, April 16, 2021.
The veterans of Bahia de Cochinos Humberto López and Arturo Sánchez Bella posan delante of the photos of the caidos in the museum of the Brigade 2506 in Miami el viernes, April 16, 2021.Lorena Arroyo Valles

“The protesters demonstrated that Obama’s decision was a failure and, based on that, his administration had very little to do with any type of relationship with Cuba,” said Humberto López, a Bahia Cochinos veteran. “Tal vez llegue a una cosa suave suve: vuelos a Cuba, algunos cruceros, pero esta Administración no va a llegar a lo que hizo Obama”, opina.

In this case all of the exiles in Paris are in agreement that there are two reasons why they can have a hilo of hope that the Cambian people in Cuba: for a lad, the critically voiced voices in Iceland in the last months which is a more open company and, by the way, the internet access that offers a sale to the Cubans from the country that does not run.

“The problem that we have, that is more serious than the invasion, is the Internet,” said Rafael Montalvo, another Bahia Cochinos veteran. Ya hoy en día no pueden apresarle la mente a la gente. The internet is equipped with an open vehicle for all people. “Everything is empty and I want a change,” the company said in a statement issued Friday stating “Similar, baseless allegations concerning Russia’s intelligence have been made more than once.

Sent with three other exbomants in the seat of the Brigade 2506 Museum, some of them owned McDonald’s hamburgers, Montalvo said they did not create 60 years before the battle. First, because the combatants will regress to the United States while being liberated in Cuba. And secondly, dice, because the political development in the island the reafirma that the lucha that hicieron entones tenia sentido.

“The time has given us the reason. Communism was a disaster. Our volvimos, hicimos nuestra vida, tuvimos écito, pero nadie se olvida de Cuba ni del proposito que sigue siinde valid hoy en dia, más vigente que nunca. And here’s what Castro says: the brigade has our mercenaries, agents of the CIA, gusanos, assesinos … hoy en día es obvio que no éramos eso. We are idealists, ”he defends.

Six decades have passed since that episode, Montalvo is aware that the truck is nearing the end of castrism in Cuba because lucharon is looking long, but says he did not like the hope of a cambio in the future: “¿Cuanto les tomo a ustedes [los españoles] release the moros? How many of our tombs and our sapphires do the Spaniards have? We will have 60 more years ”.
