Raúl Castro will celebrate 89 years, in April, the maximum power of Iceland during the Congress of the Communist Party of Cuba (PCC), the first to be realized after the death of his son Fidel in 2016.
Los hermanos Castro llevaron con firmeza des 1959 the caves in Cuba, now open to a new era with other men in power.
The new team has “earn the right to build its legitimacy“which alone could emanate from a political project that would bring economic prosperity to social justice for Cuba”, said AFP ‘Michael Shifter, president of the Center for International Dialogue Analysis, in Washington.
It is predicted that these men and women, captured by the current President Miguel Díaz-Canel, from 60 years, read during the PCC (Unique) next congress – between 16 and 19 April– to the maximum direction of the party, the center of power in the island.

Cuba will continue to be a socialist, but for specialists the constitutional legitimacy will limit the premise of ideology and can allow a political aperture.
In April 2019, a new Constitution was approved defining the “onomkeerbaar” character of socialism in the country. It “he of his time and reflects on the diversity of society”, says Raúl Castro, who will be taking over the presidency of Díaz-Canel in 2018, will now be the PCC’s leader.
Unlike its predecessor, approved by unanimity in 1976, the new magna card receives the approval of 78.3% of popular suffrage, and a 22% reduction in abstinence, a high level in the Cuban context.
New scenario
Sondeverbod, in the last months, artists, intellectuals and other sectors of civil society han empezado a exigir derechos y libertades en el país.
Before you advertise, it is hoped that the new team impulse a political reform of the State “in order to manage effectively the tensions that are manifested in society”, Shifter points out that in theory the Constitution should allow the president’s power to be downgraded.
November 27 is registered a unpublished pacific protest by 300 artists in front of the Ministry of Culture, demanding freedom of expression.

All the men of the Cuban Revolution. Photo AFP
While having a week passed a decree for the animal welfare, considered the first victory of civil society no official.
The rapid internet propaganda in the last three years in the island has been allowed ‘many Cubans express the descent.
The PCC, for its part, announced that it would promote the “political-ideological subversion” in social speeches.
For Shifter, this new governing generation has the difficult challenge of responding to a political project distinct from the generation of historical leaders, que otorgue amplias cuotas de libertad a la sociedad.
The tradition of the songs of the revolution has been mobilizing its coughs to counteract the active ideological support, but this is changing.
“Hoy la movilización es selective. It does not have a political ideological logic, of accommodating the governor, demanding more neutrality than militancy, “said Cuban academic Arturo López-Levy of the Holy Names University in Oakland, California.
Con EE.UU.
Another of the key factors will be the relationship that the new political team has with the United States, which for some experts determine in large medium what succeeds in the island.
The new president of the United States, Joe Biden, has been campaigning in his campaign could eliminate the impending sanctions by his predecessor, Donald Trump, and returns to a policy of approximation to Iceland, tending as to the requirement of respect for human rights. Sondeverbod, now Cuba has no priority.
“Because of the dynamics that exist between Cuba and the United States, in fact the United States conditions directly and indirectly much of what happens [en Cuba]”of the decision-making process including Cuban leaders”, says political analyst Harold Cárdenas.
The new Cuban political project also tends to build a pragmatic relationship with the United States, and something that could change is the military presence in the government, the PCC and the economy.
A good deal of the 280 sanctions imposed on Cuba by Trump’s governor will lead military operations. Bajo a new politics podrían pasar a manos civiles to not be blank of sanctions.
Although civilian or military, the State is the owner of their companies.

a wall of La Habana. Photo AFP
In the case of which it has not been sued and the hostility continues continuously, internally “Cuba was a vivir un largo renegociar de las relaciones civil-militar “, López-Levy signal.
Entitlements “the military will have the perfect justification for judging the prominent people in politics and socio-economics”, concluded.
Source. AFP