Cuba initiates new phase of its main evacuation project against covid

Cuba initiated this month into a new phase of clinical trials of Soberana 02, the most advanced of its four candidates to be evacuated against covid-19, which is developing in cooperation with Iran the Finlay of Vacancas (IFV) of the island.

In the “Phase II b” study, which will serve to evaluate the immune response, safety and “reactogenicity” of the pharmacy, a dose will be applied to 900 volunteers between 19 and 80 years during three weeks at La Habana medical centers, inform the sanitary authorities of the caribbean.

The inoculations, which consist of doses, are performed by randomization and conjugation, comparing the results of the vaginal candidate with the placebo, explained the epidemiologist María Eugenia Toledo, the State Institute Pedro Kourí, the official portal Cubadebate.

This is the phase III phase that, according to the epidemiologist, “will include a mayoral population number, approximately 150,000 people, and places and groups of very high risk to benefit and evaluate the clinical efficacy of this candidate”.

Cuba has signed a 9-day agreement with the Pasteur Institute of Iran to work with “Soberana 02” clinical clinics. If phase II concludes with success, phase III of the trial will take place in this country, where the prevalence of the virus is three times mayor of Cuba.

Hasta has now completed with completion the first preclinical and clinical phases of this formula, in which a total of 140 Cubans will participate if adverse effects are registered.

“Soberana 02”, a vaccine conjugated in that it combines the antigen of the virus and the tetanic toxoid, has been tested since the 19th of October.

Along with this project, the Caribbean country has three other candidates in preliminary research phases: “Soberana 01”, also IFV cargo, “Abdala” (intramuscular) and “Mambisa” (intranasal), are the last of the Center of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (CIGB) of the Caribbean.

Cuba, which has accumulated 18,443 positions since the outbreak of the coronavirus epidemic and 173 cases, accounts for a reconnaissance of the biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries that currently produces vaccines against diseases such as meningitis, the cancer of pulmonary (solar therapists).

Authorities said it hopes to evacuate Covid-19 to an “important part” of the Cuban population ahead of the first semester of 2021.

The country has reached its peak of contact and at the moment it has no signals that it will import some of the vacancies and approvals used in other countries, including the laboratories of Pfizer, Moderna, Sinovac, AstraZeneca o la rusa “Sputnik V”.
