Cuarentena total of 10 days in two provinces of Panama

(CNN Español) – The Government of Panama will implement total coherence from Monday 4 to Monday 14 March in the provinces of Panama and Panama West, as part of the actions to curb the spread of coronavirus, according to the announcement by the Minister of Health, Luis Francisco Sucre, at a press conference.

Of the 231,357 accumulated cases, these are the provinces whose city council concentrates on contagios. The province of Panama registers 114,567 cases, while Panama West stands at 45,177, according to the latest epidemiological report on covid-19 emitting its home.

During the quarantine, in these two zones only the mobility by gender, according to the day, and by hour, is agreed with the last number of the personal identity document. Solo can be found in supermarkets, pharmacies and other retail outlets, including some of the essentials.

Total quarantine in Panama one end of week

También was ordered to be completely quiet throughout the week during the end of the week from 9 and 10 this year, and the confession from March 31 to March 7 will be held until the 7th of January until 4 am and 5 am.

The Minister of Health of Panama, Luis Francisco Sucre, stated that “the health care system is being dismantled”. According to epidemiologic data, 176 people died in the last 4 days against covid-19. In 9 months of pandemic in the country, 3,840 people died of the virus.

There are currently 41,551 active cases, of which 2,031 are hospitalized and 183 are in intensive care.

As part of the means to fight against the coronavirus, the governing body installs camp hospitals in different provinces and high schools, among other structures in hospitals. In addition, 220 Cuban specialists will be deployed to reform the sanitation system and extend it to patients, according to the Panamanian Ministry of Health.
