Cruzan a CENTURY. – The first immigrant beneficiaries of Joe Biden

It will end with a group of 25 migrants, the first to pass through Mexico’s cities to the United States, continuing their traumas of asylum as part of President Joe Biden’s new migration policy.

At the beginning of the city of Tijuana (north) marked the end of the media that obliges to continue in Mexico while the tribunals respond to its applications.

This policy is supported by Donald Trump’s executor through the Migrant Protection Program (MPP).

The migrants were cruising on a San Diego bus, accompanied by staff from the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (ACNUR), an AFP correspondent.

An official cargo officer from a San Diego refugee confirmed that his staff were staying at a hotel and that he was receiving help to travel to his destinations.

To become an intermediary, those interested also have initiated an asylum application.

“ACNUR is directing the trial with the governor of Mexico, they define who has an active case before the migration juice or an appeal”, explained the press Ericka Piñero, advocate of the defense organization of migrants Al Otro Lado.


On the front porch of the El Chaparral (Tijuana) sector, numerous migrants pass by at night in a barricade barn marking the border.

I have a centenarian from Central America and some 400 Haitians.

With its essentials, some living families enter and use mascara to protect covid-19, miraban esperanzados hacia el norte.

The Mayor acknowledged that he had not initiated any wrongdoing and that only three would be crucified between applause. Peru estuvieron poco tiempo en Estados Unidos: los regresaron aduciendo informatos.

Honduran Nelly Cabrera cruises through her documents for an audience that is programmed this week, but it will be used for the nearest school.

“Confidence in the new president, in which I listened and helped because he was related to these years”, declares to the AFP tras his devotion to Mexico.

Hope and deception

The multitude would be disillusioned with zero movement moving north. He was the daughter of Geraldine Nacice, who lived two years ago in Tijuana and had a native of Mexico.

“La verdad no tengo cita, pero ya no puedo ir a mi país, en Haití hay guerra ahorita. My family is expecting me ”in United States, dijo.

Al Cuban Yabdiel Álvarez also applauded the audience in front of these celebrations, but the import will have a few more hopes.

“There is no such thing as a hopeful new president, Joe Biden,” he said.

Mientras, in Matamoros (northeast), front with Brownsville and where it is hoped that the first migrant workers from a campus erected to one of the territorial areas, ACNUR staff will inform that empezarán to cross the nearest martyrs.

Thus, a group of persons proceeding from the states of Guerrero and Chiapas pretended to enter to be included in the operation, but the permanent camp was closed by the Jews.


The EU has requested to avoid deployments at the front, indicating that only those who complete the requisition for admission will be called orderly.

A Guatemalan migratory authority says Central American countries are preparing a plan for a possible migration of Haitians, Cubans, Asians and Africans to the EU.

The Mexican governor has historically recaptured deported migrants of other nationalities, but with the legacy of the power of Lopez Obrador, Mexico is de facto converted into a secure third country.
