Cruz Jiminián: “All these days are comet miles of violations to fundamental rights”

Dr. Felix Antonio Cruz Jiminián says that all of these days are comet “miles” of violations of fundamental rights and that is his main reason for aspiring to convert to the new Pueblo Defender.

Cruz Jiminián, who is recognized by the social services that carry out the work of his private clinic, says that what he has done in his institution is “examin gente” and that the salary should not be a social problem in order to resolve it.

“If there are many people who care about the people who pass by the poor people who visit my clinic and can tell me that if the doctor or the worker quizzes, there are more people than ever in the history of the Dominican Republic, per 100 persons like veo, 90 or 95 llegan with a social problem ”, manifested the galeno during his interview with the commission of the Chamber of Deputies a load of the conformation of the ten for the Defender of the People and his deputies.

For Cruz Jiminián, “there is a law that does not apply” to those citizens whose rights are violated and consider that the defense of the people in a place where they can act.

“The Defender of the People does not have the power to take a meter to a person, but to denounce and hand him over to justice. So he decided to accept aspirations for this position “, he points out.

Medidas an implementer

In the case of being escalated, the galley coincided with aspiring passages that took place during the institutional upheaval in the culture and education of the people in terms of their fundamental rights.

In the same way, applying as a mediator is going to all the national territory and places like the bars where the medical “hay abuses and cruelty is unimaginable”.

“The defender of the people has a very large camp, but the first one is that he has a lot of suggestions in each sentence to say that it is the right thing to do. The second, if it is a single cent for the defensive, will visit all the provinces and municipalities and in each school will give a school of morals and civics and will submit a project for them to each public and private connection that tener a certificate of morality and civica to access a job ”.


In another order, if asked about it, it is recommended that the public discontinue the vaccine against COVID-19, the medical practice.

“In our country there is a general culture. Here you will find the speeches. Yo vi alguien diciendo a la gente que no se vacune, si no nos hubiéramos vacunado por el polio, estuviéramos muertos todos o invalididos todos. The vacuna is the little girl’s monster, but she’s capable of defending the defense. Yo tengo la defensa alta en este moment, pero si llega en este moment soy primr en vacunarme, las vacunas son necesarias y todo el mundo lo hace, en Estados Unidos, Alemania, Rusia, se las están poniendo, si todo el mundo lo hace, porque no lo va a hacer un pais tercermundista ”, cuestionó.

The Pueblo’s Defender’s Commission met this March with 20 candidates who aspired to the position of head of this institution, as well as the deputy.
