Cruz Azul y América ‘roban’ la Liga MX; frequent phenomenal phenomenon

Si bien Cruz Azul y America empataron el sábado pasado y siguen pegados in position 1 and 2 respectively, the reality is that continuous ‘robando’ in the present Guard1anes 2021, with a difference very clear with respect to the rest of the teams in the general classification, such as no addition to the MX League from home 20 years ago.

Over 15 parties disputed by both teams, the Machine has 37 points in first place, while America account with 35 in the second position. Puebla y Monterrey his sus lejanos perseguidores que no alcanzan ni los 30 puntos and discusses the third and fourth position of the classification, in order to complete the scenario of the first four sites that will take place directly in Liguilla.


Have you been traveling for 20 years at a time to find out a specific situation in the MX League as, because of the fact that the “robaran” teams in regular phase points are all that have not been marketed since the Apertura 2002, when Toluca y America barrieron previo a la Liguilla.

Aquel torneo que the regular season fixtures ended with America leading by 43 points, following Toluca con 41. Muy lejos acabó Pumas in third with 33 points and Morelia in court with 32.

Algo similar sucedió and el Clausura 2004 how much Pumas, tournament that ended with Jaguares how to lead with 42 points and University con 41; Chivas acabó tercero con 34 puntos y America quarter to 32, due to which the difference between the first and the second ones is a little reduced.

In the Clausura 2009 also teams are hoping to: Pachuca y Toluca acabaron the turn with 36 points in first and second from the table respectively, while Pumas, champion of this tournament, fue tercero with 28 and Rayados quarter with 26.


In the Clausura 2007, Pachuca fue el que se despegó al termin de la phase gereeld with 39 points in the lead, the one to the post confirmed with the title. In the second place of the normal acabo torneo Chivas con 31, pero America third party with 30 y Cruz Azul quarter with 28.

In the Apertura 2010, Cruz Azul takes the regular phase with 39 points as leader, while Rayados, champion of this tournament, second with 32. Santos entered Liguilla as a third with 30 points and America fue quarters with 27.

Finally, in the Guard1anes 2020 how much Leon, la Fiera lo fue amasando desde la phase regular because it comes with a lead of 40 points, while Pumas (sub-champion) second place with 32 points, per America that we will also win 32 points Cruz Azul, quarter, finalized the exam with 29 units.
