Cruz Azul: What does it take to win the leadership of America in the 2021 Guardians? | MX League

Cruz Azul there will be a new reto for this night, but in any other tournament a series of more than two Jornada 12 ante el Atlas, En el Guard1anes 2021 if you play a lot more than the three points, then breathe igualar una racha historico, también saldrá a hacer hasta impossible por recover the leader que este viernes le fue arrebatado por su acérrimo mededinger: el America.

And is that the joint azulcrema dispute of these fours on his part by the fecha 12, for those who are able to turn to Mazatlán with an autogol installed in the first place of the table of positions and the only team that can disembark it La Máquina.

With the triumph, United States has 28 points, superando by one to Cruz Azul that ended the day passed with 27 units, lo cual le fue suficiente para relegarlo al second place in the classification del Guard1anes 2021, without embarrassment, it is possible to be alone until it is defined by them cement.

Photo: @cruzazul

What does Cruz Azul need to recover the lead?

La Máquina saldrá esta noche, at the point of 19:00 hours, at the canada of the Aztec Stadium with all the intention of firmar la hazaña, pues ante Atlas search summer su décimo triunfo consecutivei like to play the best story of its history, because the three points are the objective object and necessary to turn to the point of the table.

No obstacle, al tatarse de a single point of difference between Eagles and cement, also empate le suffiente a los dirigidos por Juan Reynoso to equalize in case of unity to America, pero superarlo in goal difference by an aunt, y con ello volver ‘n afianzarse como the only leader of the MX League.

(MX League)
