Cruz Azul vs. Toluca: La Alineación Probably by La Jornada 7 of League MX

This Saturday, February 20, from 7:00 PM, Cruz Azul will fly to the canches and will be local in the Aztec stadium after a month in the city of Mexico. Apenas tres días despué de su ultimo partido, celestes recibirán a los Diablos Rojos del Toluca, en un juego valid par la jornada 7 del torneo Guard1anes 2021 de Liga MX.

La Máquina will look to maintain its positive revenge on the champion, and it is the highest number of consecutive victories (from jornada 3) y, además, volver a derrotar a los Choriceros, ya que no consigue victorias ante ellos desde torneo de Apertura 2018, el 22 de agosto, con gol de Martín Cauteruccio.

Juan Reynoso has no confirmed numbers in Cruz Azul. For now, no hay football players, tampoco hay contagious de covid-19, and Sebastián Jurado of the concentration with the Mexico Sub-23 selection that prepares the Concacaf Pre-Olympic tournament and regresses the practices in La Noria.

The idea this week is to realize a pair of shifts in the oncena estelar. Considering that the last party has three days, the DT will search for rotation to the celestial formation for darlings descending on its players.

José de Jesús Corona; Juan Escobar, Luis Romo, Julio Domínguez, Adrián Aldrete; Ignacio Rivero, Rafael Baca; Orbelín Pineda, Roberto Alvarado; Santiago Giménez and Jonathan Rodríguez series the once of Cruz Azul is Saturday. What do you think?

XI Cruz Azul vs Toluca

Asia form Cruz Azul vs Toluca. (Vamos Azul)

Good: the plant grows

Malo: no hubo files de verdad
