Cruz Azul vs. Atlas 3-2; Diez and contando! La Máquina iguala récord

This night, Cruz Azul repeated a kapitulo más en su historia. Los celestes sumaron su declare victoria de manera consecutiva para así emular la racha que lograron en la period 1971-1972. Hoy, de la mano de Juan Reynoso, is an illusion machine, as it has been for the last three years.

Atlas fue the victim number 10. Los Rojinegros fueron fueron testigos del gran nivel individual en collectiv que hay en el cuadro cementero, and especially Luis Romo and Jonathan Rodríguez for the 3-2 victory and the continuation of the good moment that is coming from Norway.

With eight minutes left in the relay, the Machine graces thanks to Bryan Angulo. The player, ahead of Hugo Nervo’s brand, definition of cabeza a good service to the area of ​​Rome to meet Camilo Vargas at the bottom.

The celestines in eran amplios dominant, players like Yoshimar Yotún and Pol Fernández poco aportaron. The tapestry is made up of the front and the 38 found its compensation with the goal of empathy 1-1 of Anderson Santamaría. The Peruvian received a recent trash of a brand and without a brand, disappears crucially.

For the second time, Reynoso detected the eggs which is generated and bagged from the camp in Yotún to be passed to Orbelín Pineda and with it adelantar más a Rome, if there is a good venison making a good game, he adjusts the wine a little better.

J the result was fueron the two goals of the final sentence. Al 66 ‘, Víctor Malcorra retrieved a step that by mistake took him to Rome, which from the first third of the holiday was accommodated and with a long driveway to Cabecita. Charrúa recipio de pecho, control y ante la mirada de Santamaría, emprendió la quarera al Varea de Vargas para el disparo certero.

Minutes later, the same dose. Otra vez Romo, Cabecita y Santamaría. A long journey that ends at the bottom of the speeches by Rodríguez.

Ya todo parekía en calma y ganado, sin embargo, Pablo Aguilar committed a big mistake to propose a job to Aldo Rocha that thanks to VAR is detected and determined as a penalty a favor of the Atlas. Milton Caraglio tomo la pelota, la colocó en el penchon manchon et derrotó a Jesús Corona para su first goal in the tournament. The final syllabus is listened to in the middle of the rehearsal for the rules and the end of the game.

La Máquina sigue de lider, ganando e illusionande a su afficion with a project that knows how to respond to situations like the onset of Roberto Alvarado for his participation in the Mexican Selection at the Pre-Olympics of Concacaf and the descent to Orbelin, then the Mago started on the bench. With everything, Reynoso is able to arm and rearrange to not risk the results that he has very close to Liguilla with 30 points.
