Cruz Azul: Nicolás Romay reveals the world over a boycott of Hugo Sánchez and Jaime Ordiales | MX League

In the middle of the festive holidays of 2020, Cruz Azul is preparing to announce the contract of Hugo Sánchez in place of Robert Dante Siboldi. Prohibition of probes, the improvised manner, negotiate with the Pentapichichi ‘n a week to start the Guard1anes 2021 of the MX League.

Juan Reynoso, who has just finished his term in office and has the opportunity to conduct his first training in La Noria, is in his senior year. What really happened to Hugol? There are many versions in social media and in the media of communication, but Nicolás Romay has details …

“Ya tenían cerrado a Hugo Sánchez, estaba listo. De repente le dijeron a Jaime Ordiales ‘oye, ¿te acuerdas que tú tenías tanto dinero? Ahora tienes el 50% de eso'”, revealed the conductor of Marca Claro, informing why the bicampaign leg with Pumas UNAM in the Aperture and Clausura 2004.

Some versions indicate that the Mexican ex-football player has changed his terms, but the comment is that the source is from the team of La Máquina’s directives: “I wanted to be able to direct, very excited and illusory to be in a team like Cruz Azul”.

Finally, Nicolás Romay alerted a misdemeanor to Jaime Ordiales inside the capital institution at the time of taking over the role of sporting director: “If you have a lot of inexperience, football habits. And you are not deciding what to do, you are trying to do what you want”.
