Cruz Azul: Jonathan Rodríguez ifs, but with an ad

Read about the speculations of a possible sale of Jonathan ‘El Cabecita’ Rodríguez Chinese football, the Uruguayan footballer is looking for La Máquina de Cruz Azul for the minutes in the temporary presentation of Clausura 2021 of the League MX, then the directive of the cementers, Álvaro Dávila, ensure that tenant as time limit has passed the steps to receive a counterclaim by the player’s file.

In an interview with ESPN, Dávila commented that the offer of the Chinese team by Cabecita Rodríguez was worth 6 million dollars, a figure that would establish many lies in the claims of Cruz Azul, that a new offer for the South American delirium should be hoped for. not legally, because he has no contemplation of his health.

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‘Hasta ahorita no hubo respuesta de un club chino. This is a bad idea and would not be acceptable to the club. “We have not noticed the time, we have an unlimited number, which is the moon, and we do not read the counterclaim, we can not be without the judge”, commented Dávila.

Dávila dejó clarifies that the undisciplines will be inadmissible in Cruz Azul, because there is a case of recidivism that will come more severe for the footballers.

Moreover, the directive recalls that it hopes that Jonathan Rodríguez will compromise on a new issue with this cause, since he has always treated it well, giving him the opportunity to sell in a near future.

“I hope Jonathan understands that he is lying, that he is important to the club and we support him in creating us and him, he will ensure a good opportunity in the following months”, sentencing.

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