Cruz Azul has the opportunity to recover Bernardo Angulo

With lights and petards Bernardo Angulo announcement for social media that enrolls in an adventure with Chivas de Guadalajara as a mental coach for this season. Tras la ultima jornada del Guardians, in which the Rebaño consecrated his first victory of the campaign, the doctor published a message in which he too was responsible, in part, of the triumph of the royals, a situation that was bad in the dressing room of Victor Manuel Vucetich.

According to periodicals David Medrano, in his column in the journal Récord, chivas jugadores de chivas llevaron su malestar a Ricardo Peláez y compañía por la “osadía” de Angulo, which is adjudicated on the part of the victory when it opens with a charla of minutes minutes in the preview of the compromise ante el Leon.

The members of the Chivas Technical Corps will meet at this Wednesday at 13:00 to transmit their non-compliance with the Directive in the form in which the mental coach manages to make public algo that only the rojiblancos tenia be private. “, can be learned as part of the information.

Information of the diary Record

Information of the diary Record

And it’s that Angulo has not been contracted with Chivas, according to the same information from Medrano, the medical professional is trying to find out in the context of Rebaño thanks to the good relationship with Peláez, sports director of the royblancos and with whom he works Cruz Azul.

Cruz Azul al acecho

Angulo fue un pedido expreso de Pedro Caixinha on his way to La Máquina’s bench. And after the salute of the Portuguese, the doctor quedos sin su burgemeester valedor en el equipo. It is in the second period of Robert Dante Siboldi, the coach recruited Cruz Azul to confirm that there is no space to drop his job.

Prohibition of sin, this is the conflict with the dirigidos of ‘Rey Midas’, sumado al hecho de que af La Noria is concerned about the mental aspect, situation criticized by the celestial footballers, this is a great opportunity for Cruz Azul to recover from his coach and integrate into the technical team of Juan Reynoso.

Who is Bernardo Angulo?

In his Instagram account Bernardo Angulo defines himself as a Consultant in Organizational Effectiveness, Coach of Public Figures and Speaker of Massive Impact. Studied a master in Desarrollo Humano y es maestro en la Escuela Libre de Derecho. In addition, he studied at Harvard University and had distinguished certifications in England. It is also the chair of ITAM and in the area of ​​coaching and negotiation.

Good: the plant grows

Malo: no hubo files de verdad
