Cruz Azul files | Joaquín Fernández is objective: Stufa football

Only three days left for the closing of the market. Off Cruz Azul nothing is safe: Juan Reynoso salió in conference of press and not assured the legacy of no new car, and at the same time afirmaba, with more conviction that lamento, that the plant of the cements is not “redondo”.

In these contradictions between the coach’s wishes and the reality of the directive, Cruz Azul accelerates the possibility of finding the sheets that he promised in La Noria. The following goals are the same: a central defender – preferably Izquierdo-, and a delantero.

Ante the rupture of the negotiations with Botafogo for the sake of Kanu, joven defensor brasileño que gustaba mucho a Jaime Ordiales, celestes han reactivado los faros y han posado sus luces en otro objective. And from the Pajes Bajos there is a possible return for the team.

Agree with information from the periodical Carlos Córdova, help in the diary of the cements, Joaquín Fernández Pertusso, defend uruguayo militant en las filas del Heerenveen (Netherlands), is a survey conducted by Cruz Azul and from Mexico and the Habrian polled by the.

Pertusso con River Plate

Pertusso con River Plate (TW Pertusso)

With 22 years and 1.84 m of stature, Pertusso nation in Rocha (Uruguay) has the Italian nationality. Its conditions correspond to the desires of La Noria: defensor izquierdo. Hizo todo the inferior category process in the club Defender, and read it al Rivierplaat de Montevideo. From the year 2020 the European football jump will be held at the junction of Heerenveen. It costs around $ 400 million.

Have the benefit of the doubt
