Cruz Azul. Aficionados dejan fuertes messages to players in Norway

Mexico City /

At least five aficionados of Cruz Azul surprendieron la mañana de este miercoles arribando a La Noria to give three messages to the club, grabbed in coats that will show frente al acceso principal of the installations of the cement team.

“El enem1go juega en cas4”, “Las leyendas no se venden”, “Esta Liguilla no queremos mama …Fueron the messages that the followers of La Máquina, vestidos con los coles del club, dejaron al equipo líder del Torneo Guard1anes 2021.

The latest images have been published in various Twitter accounts, including are accused of being envious of those sent and obtains the intentions of individuals belonging to the celestial institution.

Cruz Azul walk in the time leader with 37 units a falta de dos jornadas por disputarse. You have secured a place in the Liguilla, and in case of winning ante San luis it is saturday and that America pierda contra Toluca, starch ensures the first place of the general table.

In case of no amarrar the general leader, the Celestes disputate the last encounter of the regular phase in the Aztec Stadium against Xolos de Tijuana the first of Mayo.
