Crisis on the Front No Ceded: 103,000 Immigrants Fueron Expelled in March on Title 42 | Univision Immigration News

A pesar de los esfuerzos que lleva a cabo el gobierno de Joe Biden to contain the law of immigrants undocumenteds on the frontier with Mexico, the crisis no da tregua. La White House reports that in March the Office of Aduanas and Control Fronterizo ( CBP) deporteer 103 000 geen ciudadanos bajo el Título 42 del Código de Estados Unidos.

In addition, officials were calling during a conference call that the working-class teams were working on to attack the cause that originated with the delegation in Mexico and the countries of the Northern Triangle (El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras and Honduras). the majority of immigrants in search of asylum.

The governing body’s priorities include “attacking the causes that motivate people to immigrate north”, said Tyler Moran, the president’s special assistant on immigration policy. It also includes “helping governments to resolve security issues and controlling their own frontiers”, indication.

At the national level, Morán says that the Department of National Security (DHS) needs to implement technology on the frontier to increase the capacity of respondents and detention of undocumented immigrants, and increase the capacity of responders to process detainees.

Among the issues mentioned by the official are the number of new asylum agents included, since deputies contracted by the Office of Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS).

The function of these agents is key in the beginning of the process because its women determine the existence of a crippled child.

In February the CBP expulsion 70 183 no ciudadanos bajo el Título 42, activated during Donald Trump’s governing body as part of the media to detain the coronavirus pandemic. The deportados correspond to the adult immigrant shelters and family units that Mexico does not accept or refuse due to lack of available spaces.

“Herencia” by Trump

The governing body also said that the Department of Health and Human Resources (HHS) was responsible for the “previous administration hearing”, but also that various federal agencies were involved in solving the problem, as the White House did not recover as a crisis.

Between the active media from the 20th year onwards, when Biden assumes control of the White House, Morán cites the reactivation of the Refugee Program for Central American Minors (CAM), where the children of the children can pay their respects to minor to the governor of the United States and avoid the undocumented cruel cross haci the north.

As of the arrests in the front line, Lise Clavel, CBP’s staff member, said in March she had registered an increase of 71% compared to the month of February (171,000 arrests). And the priority of the agency was “move” in the minor time possible to the Unaccompanied Minors (UAC).

Through the reversal of various migratory political policies of Trump, the new Accurate Judicial Flores of 1997 and the 2008 Ley TVPRA will be taken into account, which standardizes the way in which the governing body must proceed with the UAC detainees on the front lines.

Both regulations state that its deportees are in accelerated form and require that there be an immigration judge who decides his futures in the country.

Biden said that his governor respected the law and defended the debt process.

Objectives in short space

Casa Blanca also wanted to announce a series of objectives in place on the frontier of migration policy. Among the medals are included:

  • Prioritize UAC reunification if possible (at 90% reunification conditions);
  • Create more centers for the adequate care of children who have certified child care providers;
  • Nearly 15,000 beds were reacted at authorized centers;
  • Reduce and agitate the UAC release and reunification period;
  • Agilize the patronage of patronizers in order to accelerate the reunifications; y
  • Brindar access to medical care and food to the children of the custodian.

The report from the Casa Blanca was made to be sent simultaneously with another informant that he had accounted for the hall of 5,600 family expeditions to Paris separated separately on the front lines with Mexico in 2017, months before the official inauguration of a program authorized by President Trump that was banned by the courts.

The separations, following the previous administration, will take place between May and June 20, 2018, affecting a total of 2,654 families. But the governor of Biden advised that the documents found could present a very different story to the present account.

