Crisis migrations: La Casa Blanca is ‘unlikely’ along with the recommendation of 60,000 refugees este año | International

Central American migrants are deported by elements of the Frontier Patrol at the McAllen City, Texas EU.
Central American migrants are deported by elements of the Frontier Patrol at the City of McAllen, Texas EU.Monica Gonzalez

The White House has announced this year on the ground that it is “unlikely” that the United States will accept 60,000 refugees this year, as President Joe Biden has compromised. During the Democratic caucus, the governor announced that the quota of 15,000 refugees, a historic minimum that would exceed the Donald Trump administration. The decision provoked an outcry from critics of the Democratic Party’s Progressives and the Refugee NGOs, for which it would fall short. The spokesman for Casa Blanca, Jen Pskai, made sure that he had raised the quota and that it would be announced on May 15.

Since the end of October 1, when the fiscal year in the United States has taken place, 2,000 people have been killed in the war and persecution in their countries have been accepted for world power. The decision of these firms also includes amplifying the number of sites from which you can apply for asylum.

Biden has established three executive orders that will reverse the anti-immigration offensive that Trump established. One of those extending locations from where can apply for asylum. The mandate states that the admission of up to 15,000 refugees this year is “justified by humanitarian concerns and, for that matter, is in the national interest”. “It’s just the comedy,” Psaki warned. “We need to reconstruct the resentment program and we will compromise by following the refugee number,” he said on Twitter.

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Congressmen of the most progressive of the Democratic Party, like Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, will demonstrate their response to Biden’s “unacceptable” decision. Representative Ilhan Omar, a refugee, classified the decision as a “desgracia” that gives the risk to the lives of children and children in refugee camps. “Lo sé, porque yo fui una”. Refugee response agencies, which operate under the mandate of the High Commission of the United Nations for Refugees (ACNUR), are also responsible for the mandate of the mandate.

Despite the criticism, the Psaki spokesman apologized for having a “confusion”, and that the Biden Administration would include the refugee quota. In a communication issued by the mandate, it was consulted with its assessors in order to determine the amount that could be admitted in a realistic manner in the United States between now and October 1, when the new tax year is arranged. “Dida’s diezmado program de admissionad de refugeeados que heredamos”, ahora es “poco probable” que Biden puude aumenter de numer a 62.500 como ha había propuesto en su plan al Congreso hace dos meses

During his electoral campaign, the democratically promised he will raise the refugee limit to the tax year close to 125,000 and that he intends to make an “adelanto” of it. Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken announced on February 12 at the Congress that the Governor would allow the entry of up to 62,500 refugees in the tax year, which ends on September 30.

