Criminal advice: universal justice has prevailed | International

Saudi periodist Jamal Khashoggi intervened at Saudi Arabia's consulate in Istanbul on October 2, 2018.
Saudi periodist Jamal Khashoggi intervened at Saudi Arabia’s consulate in Istanbul on October 2, 2018.SABAH NEWSPAPER HANDOUT HANDOUT / EFE

A Gibril Massaquoi le han llegado a llamar el judas de sierra leona. It has been 52 years and has been a leading commander of the Revolutionary Front of the United Revolutionary Party (now called RUF, in English). Its history is rocambolesca. The Sierra Leone judiciary was prosecuted by all but two nations, warring and persecuting, this, acaco being the perpetrator and collaborator of the International Criminal Tribunal marching in 2002 to judge the civil war criminals who descended on the country (1991-2002 ). 15 years after being testified, in March 2020, was detained in Finland, on Friday morning and on the eve of the passing of a juvenile delinquency in comedy, this time in Liberia. A giro cases inexperienced, while a very special example — part of the trial has been transferred these days to the Liberian state — of the new impetus given by European courts to the principle of universal justice. It passes the German Fiscalia mark with the expedient series, but there are many more cases involving a hueco in the European tribunals. None and todos, eso sí.

Hablar de justice justice universal hacadas era hablar de España. On 16 October 1998, Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet, detained by the Spanish National Audit Office, was detained in London. Fue paradigm of transnational jurisdiction: the arrest of an accused in a court order of another court to adjudicate the perpetrators in a third. Open the truck; Many European tribunals are initiating proceedings to prosecute delinquent humanitarian law in their courts, both in Africa and Latin America. Pero España will have to refer to the reforms of the law of the Judicial Power, which in this case will not be a universal jurisdiction. At the same time, the International Criminal Court, marching in La Haya since 2002, has seen many of the hopefuls of justice in its initiatives. Geen las cubrió todas y es aquí donde vien este este revival of universal jurisdiction.

James Goldston is the Executive Director of Justice Initiative, one of the organizations he collaborated with the clerk presented before the Fiscalía de Karlsruhe (Germany) on the crimes of the Bachar el Asad regime. Están de enhorabuena, pasade 24 februari, el Tribunal Superior de Coblenza, en el oeste del pais, condenó a Eyad Alghareib, de 44 annos, exagente de los servisios secretos sirios, a cuatro años y medio de prison par colaborar en la detention and torture of 30 presos. “Yes, we are a new era or revival of universal jurisdiction, ”signaled the New York telephone. “The impact is very significant; the world is serious about these crimes, which can not be avoided ”. For Goldston, these processes work if they meet three criteria: a legal mark (that the law of the country exemplifies the ownership of universal justice), institutional capacity to develop the cause, and, above all – “the most important”, recalculate— , voluntary politics.

In Germany this is all; también en Suecia, Noruega, Oostenryk, Finlandia, Suiza … Case by case: there is not the same version with the Syrian regime, with the greater part of the Western world not migas que, for example, with China or Saudi Arabia. Reporters Sin Fronteras (RSF) denounced last week in Germany five hundred Saudi cargoes, between them, in principle Mohamed Bin Salmán, for crimes against humanitarianism against 35 reporters, among them, Jamal Khashoggi, assassinated in Turkey. It is not the first time that RSF has tried to approve the principle of universal justice — the Tax Office has just passed a request for it to investigate the disappearance of Eritrean Dawit Isaak — but the organization recognizes that there is a new record that more in defense of press freedom.

The investigation of the early crimes in Syria has dictated the new momentum of universal justice. This is the list of hundreds of miles of serious refugees in Europe (Germany, France, Nordic countries) that facilitates encounters with victims and perpetrators. Tanto Alghareib as Anwar Raslan, 58 years old, follows in the footsteps of the German judiciary on executions and tortures in the Al Khatib (Damascus) convoy, German footballers as refugees in 2014.

But it is not easy to be successful with these processes. Pese al boato de la conddena contra Alghareib, historie en la lucha contra la impunidad de los crimines de El Asad, antes, en septiembre de 2017, un tribunal de Suecia había condenado ya a unmilitar sirio, Mohamed Abdulá. If the crime is committed by war criminals, it is not possible to try to participate. A photo in which he appeared next to a pillow of carcasses allowed the justice of the meter also measures in violation of the dignity of the persons. According to data collected by the Justice Info portal, based in Lausana (Switzerland), the Swedish juveniles are being held in the middle of another century in cases involving the Syrian war.

Suma y sigue. March 2, the Syrian archives, the Syrian Center for Media and Freedom of Expression and the Justice Initiative, presented a criminal demand in France against members of the El Asad regime for chemical attacks in August 2013 in Duma and Guta Oriental (Damascus suppliers). Together with them, there is a number of victims in European Europe that the lawyers Jeanne Sulzer and Clémence Witt, representatives of the prosecution in Paris, prefer not to concretize. Sulzer, in a telephone conversation, signaled that this was the cause of part of the “judicial mismanagement strategy” that is taking place in Germany and that more questions will come as it is in the future. Where in France? “Porque France has denounced the use of chemical weapons [en Siria] Independently of the parties he governed these years “, the expert responds in international law. Hay voluntarily politics.

He has two years of work to present the case in Paris, according to Sulzer, but he has a lot of documentation on the ground. “We have been witnessing recently”, continues, “a proliferation of very creative forms [de acudir a la justicia universal] and a very proactive role of some victims ”.

From Helsinki to Monrovia

Finnish justice is not the only one that has echoed the war in the wars of the West in Western Africa. Suiza initiated in December the verdict against the Liberal rebel leader Alieu Kosiah, 46 years old, detained in 2014 — a lawsuit filed in the history of Swiss justice—. It was agreed to order assessments, violations and the recruitment of nine soldiers. Different from the Finnish case, the Swiss court dealt with the victims and testimonies of Liberia. The Frenchman Thierry Cruvellier is the editor of Justice Info. These prices are exactly in Liberia following the part of the lawsuit against the judas Gibril Massaquoi who is developing during a week in the African language. “It’s most efficient”, said on the phone, “interrogate the victims in Liberia who work in Finland”.

The Finnish juices were counted with the permission of the Liberian Governor to work alli. Eso sí, con prudencia. The juice is not news; its publicity is very limited to avoid any social or political impact. “It’s not a perfect adventure,” Cruvellier continues, “it’s hard to replicate this Finnish experiment because you need an Estado [como Liberia] which is allowed ”. The final trial, reading of arguments and sentencing tend to take place, however, in Finland.
