Create the ad to dig into big fortunes that will increase during the pandemic

Millionaires always have the richest in a world where coronavirus spoils the poor: the contrast between the ten most and the most unfavorable foods also known to create impetus to wealth in Latin America.

Frequently cataloged as “the planet’s most desigregated region”, it presents disparities in the distribution of ingress, which the pandemic could spread.

The Latin American Red by the Economic and Social Justice (Latindadd) revealed in fines from 2020 that 1% more acaudalado in the region possesses 41% of the wealth. But this group alone contributes 3.8% of the collection of public arcades.

According to the Oxfam NGO, “in just a few months, the world’s forty millionaires have recovered the economic gains made by the pandemic”.

Mighty giants like Amazon, Facebook or Tesla baten records on Wall Street, an Oxfam informant published in early years of the Davos Economic Forum warns that the poorest can delay a decision to override.

On a global scale, multibillionaires including four will increase their fortunes by 3.9 trillion dollars between March 18 and December 31, 2020, Oxfam said.

As many partisans of direct redistribution mechanisms, Latindadd impulses the “impetus to the great fortunes”, which Oxfam allows to combat “the virus of inequalities”.

In Latin America, this mechanism allows it to collect more than 26,500 million dollars, a figure that Latindadd considers sufficient to distribute the vaccine free of charge against covid-19.

Although this type of tax was established in Argentina or Bolivia, its effects were raised in countries such as Brazil and Chile.

– Theory and practice –

Temerosa of a social explosion, the economic and political elite expressed in Davos on his inquest ahead of the aggravation of the inequalities.

“En lugar de llorar con lágrimas de cocodrilo, los dueños del mundo deberían pasar a los trabajos prácticos”, reaksie op die AFP el economista Thomas Piketty, quien aboga por un impuesto universal “sobre parte de los ingresos fiscals (…) de the most prosperous economic actors on the planet “.

Some individuals are extremely risky as they increase their fortunes during the pandemic and have multiplied donation initiatives.

Bill and Melinda Gates, of Microsoft, are the main donors of the OMS. MacKenzie Scott, the founder of Amazon founder Jeff Bezos, raised $ 6,000 million in 2020 for various charitable causes. Kim Beom-su, founder of KakaoTalk, the most popular courier in South Korea, donates more from the fortune of 9,400 million dollars.

Pero America Latin is the number of these specific donation numbers and some countries are inclined by one more systematic and mandatory option.

– Argentina and Bolivia hacen punta

Alberto Fernández’s central government in Argentina is looking to raise 3,000 million dollars this year with a tax that will increase to 12,000 people, to finance sums for the pandemic, helping Pymes or students.

At the same time, the tax was restored by the President of Bolivia, Luis Arce, who will open 152 people with superior assets to the 4 million dollars and will receive only 14.3 million dollars, which is the best in a medium symbolic.

In Brazil, the proposals he did not advance in the Congress did not appear in the current tribunal reform initiatives, but he said that a tribute was introduced in the 1988 Constitution that “expressly imposes taxes on (…) great fortunes” , governed by a law which is approved by them and which is a fugitive from capital.

This year passed in Chile opposition parliamentarians planted a transit road to the “super rich”, to engrave with 2.5% the wealth of ten thousand more than 22 million dollars. But the idea, which is to generate 6,500 million dollars to support the gap against covid-19, has not prospered.

– ¿Gravar la riqueza es una solution? –
To the BID expert in fiscal policy Alejandro Rasteletti, the discussion is “welcome” in a particular region, where “fiscal policy has a very low redistributive impact”.

“The tax on the great fortunes is affecting the most progressive system”, it is said, looking for more than ten more tenants, but “in no time being redistributive, because in practice it can recover so much”, it is “relatively difficult to cover because you can avoid distinctive ways “, explains AFP.

In Europe, a rich continent, the recovery by this mechanism increases 0.2% of GDP, a volume “very low”, added this specialist.

“In BID estimates we have much time before the property tax or real estate (…) which is very difficult to evade (y) is absolutely progressive, because the larger houses have the most risky”, summed up.

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