COVID symptoms usually appear in this order, study programs

COVID-19 can be a confusing disease. But one group of USC scientists determined that COVID symptoms generally occur in a specific order. In a study published in the journal Boundaries in public health, the researchers looked at more than 56,000 cases of coronavirus in China. They found that four main symptoms tend to appear repeatedly one after the other. “The order of the symptoms is important,” said lead study author Joseph Larsen. “Knowing that each disease is different means that doctors can more quickly determine if someone is likely to have COVID-19, or another disease, which can help them make better treatment decisions.” Read on to find out what it is, and to ensure your health and the health of others, do not miss it Sure signs that you already have a Coronavirus.

Sick young woman at home on the couch, she covers with a blanket, takes temperature and blows her nose with a tissue

The researchers found that fever is mostly first. According to the CDC, fever is one of the most common signs of COVID. Fever – defined as a body temperature above 38.4 C (100.4 F) – is caused by the body raising its internal temperature to fight an infection.

Side view of a frowned young man suffering from low back pain while sitting on white bedding

A dry, persistent cough is the most common sign of coronavirus; it can cause shortness of breath. On the website of the surgeon-general, an unexplained, significant fatigue or pain in the body is mentioned ‘as a possible symptom. COVID-19 causes inflammation in the body, and muscle aches are frequently reported.

Sick woman coughing, experiencing hiccups.

A recent review of studies found that one in five COVID patients has some type of gastrointestinal problem. “It seems that the upper GIT (ie nausea / vomiting) is affected before the lower GIT (diarrhea) in COVID-19, which is the opposite of MERS and SARS,” the scientists wrote.

Woman with hands on stomach suffering from pain.

According to Johns Hopkins, 20% of COVID-19 patients are likely to get diarrhea shortly after contracting the coronavirus. A study published in the journal life Science states that COVID-related diarrhea is likely to be caused by the coronavirus that invades the intestinal walls and causes inflammation.

Woman with face mask on a street.

As for yourself, do everything you can to prevent and spread COVID-19 in the first place: Wear a face mask, is tested if you think you have a coronavirus, avoid crowds (and pubs and house parties), do social distances, perform only essential commands, wash your hands regularly, disinfect surfaces that are frequently affected, and to pandemic to come through, do not miss this 35 places you are likely to catch COVID.
