Covid: Santiago de Chile vuelve a confinarse tras aumento de contagios – Latinoamérica – Internacional

The occupation of intensive care units (UCI) in Chile Alcanzo su nivel más alto hasta la fecha, circa del 95 por ciento, debido a la segunda ola de covid-19 que sufre el país, que este viernes reporto 6,604 nuevos contagios, el tercer pico má alto de toda la pandemia.

Ante is this panorama, the authorities of Santiago volvieron to impress a total quarantine from high tanto in the capital as in other municipal sites, donde viven 7.1 of the approximately 19 million residents of the country.The hospital availability was reduced dose, and the occupancy rate of 93 , 5 per cent weekly to 94.8 per cent in the news, according to a report by the University of Chile, la Pontificia Catholic University of Chile and the University of Conception, which considers that the situation “is the motive for great concern”.

(Puede leer: Chile reports the mayor’s critical number of deaths from the pandemic)

“There is a very high occupancy rate of UCI beds that has been constantly increasing,” the document said, revealing that the increase has been progressive since May last year, since the UCI occupancy rate (62 per cent), and which now has surpassed the register most recently, which was the last pass (94 per cent).

(Además: Chile converts in the country that is most rapidly evacuated worldwide)

The Minister of Health, Enrique Paris, dijo este viernes a la prensa que hay más camas UCI occupid que en los peors momentas la la pandemia, en june del año pasado, pero que ahora “las camas occupad pa patiente covid-19 son solo el 70 por ciento de todos los UCI patients; for this, a 30 per cent is occupied by surgical surgeons, tumor surgeons ”.

Sebastián Piñera

The President of Chile, Sebastián Piñera, has been vaccinated against coronavirus.


Presidency of Chile. EFE

Paris also reported that “the occupancy of critical beds is 3,141, the highest number registered is now, of which 2,193 correspond to the UCI, there are 1,907 patients internally with mechanical ventilation support”.

The number of critical beds available in all countries is 201 at the moment.
The vacations of the verano austral sumieron in Chile in a second oil of covid-19 that increased the seminal weekly of new contagios by day has reached 5,075, according to the university.

With the 6,604 cases reported this year by the authorities, the total balance since the beginning of the pandemic
read about 918,053 cases and 22,087 deaths, recorded 99 times in the last 24 hours. The number of patients in the active phase of the illness, which means that they can be reached, is at an all-time high, reaching 36,433.

Ante the empire of the situation, the authorities come returning the media in the capital region and in other points of the country, decree quarantines for the weekends of some places and total confinements in other.
Asimismo, the minister said that he was planting “contracting to work with the employees of any health care that he was celebrating or that he had received incentive to retire” in order to increase the number of staff working at the UCI.

He was also informed that he had met with clinics, university hospitals and institutional hospitals of Fuerzas Armadas and the Carabineros police force, and was very confident that on week more beds could be made available.
At the same time, Chile is facing an evacuation plan that is now one of the largest in the world and has an inocular log of more than 5 million people, a number that engages in the entire population.

The next meta that has been the Gobierno has been inoculated until June for the rest of the target population (one 15 million people, of a total population of 19 million).


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