COVID-19 | What is the effect of the new coronavirus pandemic on the mental health of first-line personnel?

The pandemic of the COVID-19 only affected the physical property of the Peruvians, sino su salud spiritually. Medidas as the social coherent and the restrictions of free transit and potentially this malestar.

Vanessa Herrera’s psychiatrist explains that the global sanitation crisis and the quarantine are generating an “affectation that is evident in the mayor’s presence of negative stressors, problems of insomnia and family conflicts such as adaptation, poor poverty”.

“(Así lo menciona) An initial study of the Ministry of Health, should no longer provide indications. […] Also the people he has had many lost, working, significant families, social space, socialization as in adolescents and young people who are in the risk group, as well as the major people who come to many of his friends, friends, companions que stán faleciendo ”, added.

One of the groups he saw most affected by the pandemic, in relation to his salud spiritual, is the salute staff that attained cases COVID-19 in critical areas such as the Intensive Care Units (UCI).

The clinical psychologist Giuliana Rivera mentions that after a year of pandemic, it has affected the staff of the first line. “From the quadruple of irritability, irritability, problems to the conciliation of the poor, the poor,” she mentions.

“Oorweeg that many of them could be experimenting with the syndrome of burnouto be present, which consists in a state of physical, mental and emotional agitation caused by the psychic song and the stresses that clearly surge in the pandemic and the difficulties that are present at the laboratory level: but we can help more people , the lack of resources and why we are overcoming the pandemic ”, said.

Without embarrassment, Rivera mentions that health professionals, by training, “are accustomed to suffering from emergencies and death, no one has ever been at risk of their own life, seeing that the life of their colleagues is “Day after day, when they can be viruses’ carriers and their families can fight or kill”. “I’m experimenting with a mayor’s load when it comes to anything,” he said.

For his part, psychologist Cecilia Juscamaita concludes that in the case of first-line health staff his family fathers have presented difficulties in relating to their wives.

“They can push their parents and demand attention. It’s most important that the people he worked with on the first line can receive emotional and constant support, which allows him to channel all his emotions and lives that he has experienced during this very year, ”he says.


Herrera mentions that to take care of our salud spiritual we will intensify the self-help, mainly during the pandemic of the COVID-19, with “a hygiene of the sun, while balancing the time we spend working with the domestic work, distributing role, dealing with our families”, resulting in physical activity, health activities, etc.

“The most affected are, in general, the mayors, nines, adolescents, young people, who are in the context of psychosocial development with a high level of social interaction and who are in love with the whole. “Assimilation, people who have incapacity, of poverty, who are in a high risk situation, who have chronic illnesses and have not been able to dispense with their wishes in this context”, said.

The specialist agrees that between the main signs we help to identify any problem of salud spiritual is the accumulation of diary episodes of persistent insomnia.

“I am sad, I can not concentrate and I am affected by my life, my work at home, with my work companions, in activities that have diarrhea, stress, anxiety, suicidal thoughts are preoccupying indicators that we need to prioritize and act is attending the most serious health center, the most serious mental health service ”, he concludes.

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