Covid-19: The two Cuban vacancies against the covid-19 enter the final final of the clinical trials | Sociedad

In Cuba’s next days, a final phase of clinical trials of vaccines against covid-19 will take place in its laboratories. His names are Soberana 02 and Abdala, as part of March his effectiveness will be tested in decades of volunteers from La Habana, Santiago de Cuba and Guantánamo, although Mexico and Iran will also participate in Phase III of the Soberana 02 trial. is the first country in Latin America to play a key role in the development of a vacant property, a scientifically sound country that has been able to develop its immunization to all its population before the end of the year, as well as in contrast to the crisis and agudo disabastecimento vive la isla.

The results have now been circumvented: both vaccinated and demonstrated candidates are safe and capable of generating specific anticonvulsants against the virus, inhibiting the union of the viral protein to the cellular receptor (preventing the virus from entering the cell), and neutralizing the infection. of viruses and cultivars of human cells vatbaar. We are optimistic, now that the candidates have so completely completed the methods that internationally require these steps ”, said El PAÍS Eulogio Pimentel, vice president of the Cuban business group BioCubaFarma, which has 32 institutes, biodiversity centers.

We are at the Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (CIGB), and Pimentel saca papel y lapis: since the past week the world has had a peak of vacancies, 6,160,000 doses administered in one day. “Pero a ese rhythm”, dobbeltsteen, “se tersarán tres años y cinco meses en vacunar a la poblción mundial”.

Cuba’s tax is another: to develop its own vacancy project and produce 100 million doses before the end of the year, which will allow its internal needs (evacuate to 11.2 million Cubans) and export the remainder.

“If everything goes well in this third phase of clinical trials [la última antes de la aprobación de una vacuna], in one month we will be able to carry out the massive evacuation and conclude before 2021. We will take one of the first countries in the world to log all munitions on its population, ”says Pimentel. It is confirmed that a first lot of 150,000 doses of Soberana 02 has been produced and is working in a second. In the same way, it entered the Abdala large-scale production phase (built here by the patriotic poet of the Cuban National Hero, José Martí), to begin clinical trials in recent weeks.

“At the moment, Cuba is working on four vacant candidates, which is all a lie in the region,” said Peruvian José Moya, representative of Cuba of the Panamericana de la Salud (OPS / OMS). “There is no military action: there is a notable scientific development in Cuba and an experience of 30 years in manufacturing vacancies”, signaled that the island was the first country to develop an anti-meningococcal vaccine, in addition to manufacturing and publishing noventa- one against Hepatitis B which was widely employed in Latin America and Africa.

The four Cuban candidates against the covid-19 -todos of patriotic numbers- son: Soberana 01 and Soberana 02, developed by the Institut Finlay; and Abdala and Mambisa, who are members of the CIGB, a center that Pimentel directs over five years. Explain the science that the quatrains are based on the protein subunit vacancies, which use a viral protein or part of it (in this case the RBD, region of the SARS-CoV-2 protein) to induce a protective response specifically in the person vacated.

“This type of evacuation for genetic engineering is the most traditional and safe, in addition to holding the wind that is maintained at a temperature of 2 to 8 degrees”, assures Moya.

Soberana 02, the most advanced

Hasta now, the most advanced is Soberana 02, a vaccine conjugated that combines the RBD protein of the virus with the tetanic toxoid, potentiating the immune response. Cuba has been involved in a recent evacuation with this principle against haemophilus influenzae of type b, responsible for diseases such as meningitis, nephremia and epiglottis. “We work on well-known platforms and this is a security”, assures Pimentel.

The results of Soberana 02 in Phase I and II are good, as are the Cuban scientists, who have some public information from their investigations. The efficiency of a group of 42,000 people in La Habana and another 50,000 in Iran is being tried, in view of an agreement reached with the Pasteur Institute of this country. Mexico is also participating in the lawsuit, according to Chancellor Marcelo Ebrard.

Abdala’s effectiveness is reflected in a group of decades of volunteers in Santiago de Cuba and Guantánamo, provinces that together with La Habana register the mayor number of positive cases of coronavirus in the last weeks.

Sobrana 02 will in principle require the administration of doses, and Abdala will evaluate whether the three doses are the appropriate ones to the results of efficacy that phase III study will show. Although it is in an initial phase of clinical development, Mambisa is one of the most important CIGB outlets, as it is clear that its administration is via intranasal, and the intramuscular habitat, which facilitates the logistics of the evacuation.

“Tener varios projects are good and we are allowed to work with more options. All of them are working to address the requirements and requirements of good clinical practice, development and productivity, under the supervision of CECMED, our regulatory authority “, confirms the vice president of BioCubaFarma, giant in which it produces 20,000% and produces 80% of the vacancies used in the island.

Although the goal is declared to produce 100 million doses in 2021, powder will appear as a threat, from the severe economic crisis that will hit the island, the science will ensure that it does not. It is the “saber hacer” of Cuban science, dice, and “a production plant designed with the capacity to produce ten times more than the country needs”.

It is not clear that the return is large, when the drugs of any type and the primary necessity items in the emergency room – the GDP has increased by 11% in 2020 due to the pandemic -. The appeals dedicated to the investigation have also taken place, but the males are replenished for the existence of a “integrated scientific system”, assured the director of the Center of Neuroscience of Cuba, Mitchell Valdés. “We have more than three scientific institutions that cooperate between them and are not competitive, and that work perfectly coordinated with the health care system”, dobbeltsteen.

“What Cuba has in a timely manner and in the midst of this crisis is about to close a gap, is a reflection of the maddening madness of Cuban biotechnology in the last decades,” Valdes assured, adding that, in addition, Cuban scientists are he turned to expert experts in raising the bar for medical teams and finding “imaginative” solutions to the problems deriving from the North American embargo, which impede access to many numbers.

While we are covering the Fermentation Area of ​​one of the CIGB’s production plants, an engineer is working on Pimentel and dealing with the Bioterrorism allegations that United States has against Cuba. “Vinieron here is a group of North American scientists, and in five minutes it will be described,” he recalls. De nuevo Pimentel saa lapis y papel: “Of the more than 2,000 million dollars in international aid that he was destined for the investigation to find a vacancy against covid-19, in Cuba he did not pay anything”. Es cauto, pero dice estar orgulloso de lo logrado. “Of the 66 clinical phase outpatient candidates that are being developed worldwide, 20 are based on the outbreak of protein subunits: four are ours,” he said.

