Twenty-eight new cases of COVID-19 were reported in Humboldt County today, bringing the total number of provincial residents who tested positive for the virus to 3,659. This is the highest number of cases per day since 11 February.
Local vaccine intake has declined significantly since April 9, when Humboldt County was eligible for residents 16 and older, leaving thousands of job vacancies at clinics. This sluggish survey has prompted health officials to give boarding appointments from today until Sunday and to encourage those who have not yet been vaccinated to take this first step.
Walk-ins are available on a first-come, first-served basis, though booking an appointment is the best way to ensure a vaccine is available whenever you want it, and avoid wasting vaccine. Clinics are held in the Arcata Community Center, located at Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Pkwy, 321, with walking hours from 18 to 19 hours today to Sunday. This availability is for those who want to seek their first or second dose. Spanish and English speakers are available at each clinic.
Appointments for clinics in Moderna and Pfizer this week can be made on MyTurn.ca.gov. The state portal has been updated to allow people in more remote areas to see clinics on My Turn, as the search radius has been increased to 200 kilometers.
All residents of the province aged 16 and over can register, although 16- and 17-year-olds can only register for the Pfizer vaccine. Minors must have proof of age and be accompanied by a parent or guardian.
The following clinics and vaccinations are available by appointment and for admission. Visit MyTurn.ca.gov for specific appointment dates and times.
- Today – Modern (18 and older)
- Thursday – Pfizer (16 and older)
- Friday – Modern (18 and older)
- Saturday – Pfizer (16 and older)
- Sunday – Modern and Pfizer (16 and older)
Lindsey Mendez, family nurse and COVID-19 member of the vaccine for the vaccine, said: “With the supply exceeding the demand for the first time since this vaccination, we urge people to plan an appointment now.”
Nearly half of the eligible residents received at least one dose
Nearly 50% of residents 16 years and older received at least one dose of the vaccine. This means that nearly half of the population in Humboldt County has some degree of protection against the virus.
All local vaccination data has been updated on the Humboldt County Data Dashboard. Highlights include:
- 84 833 vaccine doses were administered in the country.
- About 80% of residents aged 75 and over received at least one dose and were partially protected. 67% of the inhabitants of the province 75 years and older are fully vaccinated.
- Of the estimated 112,369 Humboldt County residents eligible to receive the vaccine, 32,813 were fully vaccinated. It represents 24% of the total population and 29% of the residents who are 16 years and older and currently eligible.
Check out the Humboldt County Data Dashboard online at humboldtgov.org/dashboard, or go to humboldtgov.org/DashboardArchives to download today’s data.
For the latest COVID-19 information, visit cdc.gov or cdph.ca.gov. Local information is available at humboldtgov.org or by contacting [email protected] or calling 707-441-5000.
Some establishments in Safeway, CVS Pharmacy, Rite Aid, Walgreen and Walmart offer COVID-19 vaccinations. Read on the links below to find out who is eligible and see if there are appointments available at any of these places.
Safeway: mhealthappointments.com/covidappt
CVS Pharmacy: cvs.com/immunizations/covid-19-vaccine?icid=cvs-home-hero1-link2-coronavirus-vaccine
Rite Aid: https://www.riteaid.com/covid-19
Walgreen’s: walgreens.com/findcare/vaccination/covid-19
Walmart: walmart.com/cp/1228302
Subscribe to COVID-19 Vaccination: MyTurn.ca.gov
Local information about the COVID-19 vaccine: humboldtgov.org/VaccineInfo
Humboldt County COVID-19 Data Dashboard: humboldtgov.org/Dashboard
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Humboldt Health Warning: humboldtgov.org/HumboldtHealthAlert