Humboldt County will receive 7,440 doses of COVID-19 vaccine next week, including 3,600 Moderna and 3,840 Pfizer. Clinics will be available for the first and second doses. There will be no Johnson and Johnson due to the break that is expected to last next week. Additional clinical schedules will be announced Monday or Tuesday.
Appointments for vaccination by today and Sunday
Humboldt County Public Health and its healthcare partners announce today and Sunday, April 18, hours of walk-in clinics from 4pm to 7pm at the Arcata Community Center, located at 321 Dr. MLK, Jr. Pkwy. in Arcata. Interested parties can register on site to receive the Pfizer vaccine.
Note that the opening is first, the first time, and the vaccine supply may run out. Those over the age of 16 can only receive the Pfizer vaccine, and they must have proof of age and be accompanied by a parent or guardian.
Appointments for other Pfizer clinics are available this weekend via MyTurn.ca.gov, and all provincial residents 16 years and older can register.
9 new cases reported today
Nine new cases of COVID-19 have been reported in Humboldt County today. One case previously reported was determined to be from another country and was removed. This brings the total number of provincial residents who tested positive for the virus to 3587.
10 local ‘breakthrough’ cases reported
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported this week that approximately 5,800 of the nearly 77 million individuals in the United States have contracted the virus, despite being fully vaccinated in ‘breakthrough’ cases. Humboldt County Public Health reported today that 10 locals have contracted the virus despite being fully vaccinated, and cases date from January 2021.
The Moderna and Pfizer vaccines have been shown to be at least 94% effective in preventing serious illness and death. The Johnson and Johnson vaccine is just over 66% effective. These breakthrough cases are to be expected, according to health officials, and are a reminder to continue using preventative measures such as wearing and removing a mask.
For more information on breakthrough cases, visit cdc.gov/vaccines/covid-19/health-departments/breakthrough-cases.html.
New CDPH line
The California Department of Public Health this week released two clue documents addressing rallies and recommendations for fully vaccinated people.
Guidance for meetings can be found here: cdph.ca.gov/Programs/CID/DCDC/Pages/COVID-19/Guidance-for-the-Prevention-of-COVID-19-Transmission-for-Gatherings-November-2020. aspx
Guidance for fully vaccinated can be found here: cdph.ca.gov/Programs/CID/DCDC/Pages/COVID-19/COVID-19-Public-Health-Recommendations-for-Fully-Vaccinated-People.aspx
Check out the Humboldt County Data Dashboard online at humboldtgov.org/dashboard, or go to humboldtgov.org/DashboardArchives to download today’s data.
For the latest COVID-19 information, visit cdc.gov or cdph.ca.gov. Local information is available at humboldtgov.org or by contacting [email protected] or calling 707-441-5000.
Some establishments in Safeway, CVS Pharmacy, Rite Aid, Walgreen and Walmart offer COVID-19 vaccinations. Read on the links below to learn who is eligible for vaccination and see if there are appointments available at any of these sites.
Safeway: mhealthappointments.com/covidappt
CVS Pharmacy: cvs.com/immunizations/covid-19-vaccine?icid=cvs-home-hero1-link2-coronavirus-vaccine
Rite Aid: https://www.riteaid.com/covid-19
Walgreen’s: walgreens.com/findcare/vaccination/covid-19
Walmart: walmart.com/cp/1228302
Subscribe to COVID-19 Vaccination: MyTurn.ca.gov
Local information about the COVID-19 vaccine: humboldtgov.org/VaccineInfo
Humboldt County COVID-19 Data Dashboard: humboldtgov.org/Dashboard
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Humboldt Health Warning: humboldtgov.org/HumboldtHealthAlert