COVID-19 origin remains secret one year later

Today, a year ago, the World Health Organization COVID-19 finally declared a global pandemic. Incorrect information from the Chinese government and their influence on scientists at the United Nations Health Organization has delayed important information that could have saved hundreds of thousands of lives.

Initially, the Chinese told the White House and WHO that the virus could not spread between people. Months have been lost in terms of a global response. And one year after the WHO finally declared COVID-19 a pandemic, US officials still do not have a clear picture of how the virus originated.

The Biden government continued where the Trump administration stopped pushing China to share data on the virus outbreak.


Initially, China said it had its origins in the Wuhan seafood market, but the only problem is that the first case had nothing to do with the market.

Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has been leading the way, suggesting that the virus may have come from the Wuhan Institute of Virology – a Level 4 biosafety research laboratory where Chinese scientists have been experimenting on bat viruses with US taxpayers’ money.

A worker in protective cover guides members of the World Health Organization (WTO) team upon their arrival at Wuhan Airport in Hubei Province, China, on Thursday, January 14, 2021. (AP Photo / Ng Han Guan) (AP Photo / Han Guan)

A worker in protective cover guides members of the World Health Organization (WHO) team upon their arrival at Wuhan Airport in Hubei Province, China, on Thursday, January 14, 2021. (AP Photo / Ng Han Guan) (AP Photo / Han Guan)

‘We know with almost certainty that it came from Wuhan and that there is considerable evidence of what took place inside the laboratory. … I published a fact sheet at the beginning of January this year which makes it clear that there are certain facts that make it clear. “an indication that it came out of the lab through an accidental leak,” Pompeo said earlier this year.

‘And then the third pillar is that the Chinese Communist Party will not allow anyone in the laboratory to look at what happened. They made journalists disappear, and made doctors who know what happened disappear. The cover-up itself is a crime. ‘

Two new pieces of information were declassified by the Trump administration on January 15: Several researchers from the lab have COVID-like symptoms in the fall of 2019 and new evidence that the Chinese military used the Wuhan Lab for secret research. Concerns about the manipulation of ‘functional functions’ of bat viruses in mice have also upset scientists attending a conference in Beijing in late 2017 when a group of NIH-funded scientists from the Wuhan Laboratory presented their findings has.


“I mean we are not working with Frans here. We are not talking to our allies,” said David Asher, a former investigator into the origins of COVID-19. “We are working similarly to an adversary and transferring critical technologies then the US government funding. It can be used against us, and it can be good. I find it disturbing.”

A new book by journalist Josh Rogin called “Chaos Under Heaven” contains explosive details about how US diplomats warned about risky work on bats being done in the Wuhan lab in cables dating back to 2018. The cables were ignored.

“In May, the Chinese CDC rejected the theory of seafood market, but no one really noticed it because it became so ingrained in our psyche that that was what happened,” Rogin said recently.

“Now here we are a year later, and we indeed agree with the Trump administration and the Biden administration that several things we are pointing to are a link between human error and the Wuhan Institute of Virology, the world’s leading center for coronavirus research. “


Safety at the Wuhan Institute of Virology has long been a concern. US intelligence has ruled out a bioweapon, but can not rule out an accident in the lab. The WTO team under investigation has decided to issue an interim report as tensions between the US and China increase.
