Covid-19 announces six positive announcements

It is confirmed that three players, staff members and an element of Solari’s technical team are supported by covid

The United States announced that six members of the team were positive about the trials of Covid-19, all of which with live lives and starred in what was being said by the dead, provoked the reprogramming of the party between the Eagles.

In communication mentioned that three positive animal players are Guillermo Ochoa, Nico Benedetti and Richard Sánchez.

In the same way, staff integrants and one more technical team encamped by Santiago Solari will be located in the hospital.

“The results of the tests applied to the female team, inferior categories and administrative staff will be communicated in brief”, said the club’s communicator.

In the same way, it states that the activities in Coapa’s installations are reduced with the aim of avoiding the spread of the virus.
