Covid-19: A couple of 400 couples, the last Ortega challenge to the Nicaraguan pandemic | Sociedad

The parishes, before initiating the ceremony, took place on February 14, in Managua (Nicaragua).
The parishes, before initiating the ceremony, took place on February 14, in Managua (Nicaragua).Carlos Herrera

Elvin Ñamendiz Jara is off with his charcoal trajectory. Extremely enthusiastic, including the mano of his novice, Zaida González Arauz, when empezaron to parade over the red alphabet that leads to a plaza on which matrimony will be on February 14, together with 399 more masses by Daniel G Ortega pese a la pandemia de la covid-19.

“For me it is iconic and wonderful barracks here. It’s a big step to formalize our love and for that quiz lucirme con este traje ”, dijo Ñamendiz Jara, mientras la novia, sonrojada, posaba para cämaras que captaron el evento“ Ya Tu Boda 2021 ”que se realiza desde hace 18 años . The difference of this new edition is that it is celebrated during the sanitary emergence, contrary to the recommendations to avoid agglomerations.

Although the new portaban mascarillas do not have all the assistants on the hook. Tampoco has a great social distance between the 1,200 assistants and the music empire, and the loos to the booth of the 400 couples who are underway: Vice President Rosario Murillo.

“We would like to thank you for this very important day for us as we share with the people, live the emotion of power struggle, in which the madrina of this event is the company Rosario Murillo, our Vice President. This event has a cost, without embarrassing our parties in pagan times, ”said William Martinez, a member of Radio Ya, an official and popular court broadcaster.

The ceremony will be attended by ministers and officials of the Municipal Alcaldia of Managua, as well as judges, lawyers and notaries public who will sell the unions. The first number of the massive booth would send greetings “to the partner President Daniel Ortega Saavedra and the company Rosario Murillo”, which is one of the animators of the event, a locator of Radio Ya, of which form the Sandinista Administration “reiterate his compromise of cariño, cristiano del buen Gobierno en victorias, paz y amor ”.

Although the persistent coronavirus contagions in Nicaragua, the Ortega-Murillo governor has been following massive events. One of the first full-blown pandemic events to take place in the week of Santa 2020, the first positive case recorded, when the Tourism Institute (Intur) convened more than 800 activities, including concerts, processions, marathons and more activities that cause preoccupation with organisms such as the Panamericana de la Salud (OPS).

The Governor of Nicaragua has been involved in these advertisements and has persisted in its policy of agglomerations. The secret of the persistent pandemic in Nicaragua and the impossibility of the real effect of the virus. There is a lack of official information, international bodies such as the statistics of the Covid-19 Observatory, a group of medics and interdisciplinary experts.

“The pandemic has not ended,” the Observatory said on February 10, reporting 12,890 suspected cases of Covid-19 in 2,691 deaths caused by the virus. Without embargo, the Ministry of Health (Minsa) alone recognizes 6,347 contagios and 171 deaths.

The Governor of Ortega has been accused of accusing the impact of the pandemic, only because it has not carried out sufficient tests, because it has failed the acts of defiance of the contagious. Here I revealed a report from the media of communication Divergent. “Thanks to a triangulation of data and recovery of decades of medical and civic testimonies”, the publication shows that “the people who fall for neurons, diabetes and other pathologies according to the Minsa ”. It is said that there were deaths that did not enter the official death statistics for covid-19.

A rock concert of the president’s hijo

Radio Ya’s massive massacre is not the only massive event to be held this week in Managua. On the night of February 13, a nutritious rock concert was held by Ciclo, the band of the president of the presidential couple, Juan Carlos Ortega Murillo. Centenarians of young people are reunited in a closed circle and bailaron has the amanecer sin mascarilla or some type of contraception. Ciclo’s presentation was not canceled due to the fact that the bars located in the circuit were on fire for hours.

The live concert was part of a rock festival organized by Canal 8, the canal directed by Juan Carlos Ortega-Murillo, a television that was asked to be irregular in terms of Venezuelan cooperation. “We are in March with TN8 Musical in Rock City León”, invited Ortega Murillo in his Twitter account, who plans to hold a series of concerts in different cities of Nicaragua in the coming weeks.

Laureno Ortega Murillo, head of the presidential couple, tenor and sanctioned by the United States at the same time as his husband Juan Carlos, informs that he will also develop a series of operas for “the months of love and affection”.

“It’s always the same: a government that has been involved since the world went viral, hides new tips and variants that have more transmissibility. In countries where the epidemic is under control, the mayor can be hospitalized, ”said Carlos Quant, an infectious disease pathologist, who was sent to the public health system to criticize the official negligence.

“Here in Nicaragua it is like nothing happens. It is not that these are new things that enter the country. We do not know if it can have an impact on important reinfections, such as sued in Brazil, in Manaos. It is irresponsible on the part of Gobierno that siga promoting massive agglomerations when the epidemic has not disappeared, we have not started the reunion facility and we are ready to have vacancies for the whole population. Mientras no haya vacunación, physical distance. It’s the key to not having more hospitalizations and deaths, ”said the specialist.

Nicaragua has benefited from the COVAX evacuation mechanism, which provides a dose of up to 20% of the population. Vice President Murillo announced that the Ortega Administration had acquired 7.4 million vacancies, although he had not announced the start of the application year.

Mientras que en la boda massiva realizada en el Paseo Xolotlán los besos y abrazos abundaron entre los reién casados. “We love you most graciously, God, and God. [Radio Ya] for free this free booth ”, thanked Mauricio Zamora, who over 15 years of maintaining a relationship can pay for his account a booth like this: in red alphabet, with police honor guard and a big change.
