Covenant defense of the army enlisted in international missions | Sociedad

A triple of the buccaneer anfibio Castilla receives the covid-19 vaccine.
A triple of the buccaneer anfibio Castilla receives the covid-19 vaccine.Spanish Armada

The first military to receive the vaccine had the members of the contingents who had to go on mission to the extraterrestrial in the coming weeks; includes the triple bucket de analtibio bucks Castile y del cazaminas Tajo. Ambos tenien previsto zarpar en febrero. The first, from the naval base of Rota (Cádiz), with 200 triplets, to take part in the Operation Atalanta against piracy in India. The second, from Cartagena (Murcia), with 60 marines, to be integrated into the fleet of OTAN casinos.

The inclusion of endowments among the first evacuees in the Armored Forces was produced only after the appearance of a coronavirus in the oceanographic envelope Hespérides obliga to cancel in particular the antarctic campaign of this year. The boat left Cartagena (Murcia) on December 30 and flew to Las Palmas (Gran Canaria) to detect positive positives during the trip. New tests will elevate to 35 the number of infections, which led the Ministry of Science and Innovation to cancel the participation of Hespérides in the antarctic camp.

Defending it with its vacancy calendar proposal, on the sidelines of the proposal by the Ministry of Health, although following its paws, and also having its own dose cup: for the emergency services at the Colmenar Viejo Military Pharmacy Center (Madrid) arcones congeladores por 4.9 millones. Until now, neither the Ministry of Health nor the Defense have informed of the existence of this evacuation program or the parameters by which it is directed.

In addition to the contingents participating in the relevant missions of the missions of Lebanon, Iraq or Latvia, Defense has included in the first phase of military sanitation staff training, both bases and units such as training centers. Among the collective priorities are the evacuation teams that Defense has organized and has been at the disposal of the autonomous communities. Altesaam, its case a centenar of crews of four sanitary ones each. Minister Margarita Robles accepted the offer on 5 January, but has not yet received any petition.

Defend his initiation plan for the three days that have passed, but the Mayor of the vacancies has been here since last week, because he hopes to have February principles in place for the second dose and to register the health of his nurses, who will be evacuated to the rest de las Fuerzas Armadas: one 120,000 military and 25,000 civilians.

Soload only has to know, by now, the priority groups of the first stage. Following the Covid-19 Vacation Strategy, it deals with residents and sanitary and social care staff who work in major residences and pay attention to large dependents, first-line staff in the health and social care environment, or other health and social care staff. considered as large dependents.

On the basis of this document, the military militaries are entering the first stage of evacuation, but the doubt is on the militaries that are part of international missions. The experts consulted ensure that they do not appear in the documents of the evacuation phases. The State Security Forces and Forces, as well as the Civil Protection bombers, appear in the essential personnel department, where the drug is evacuated in more advanced stages of the process.

“It is intended that the military militaries be evacuated, but the rest will not be in the context of the labor market priorities market. In principle, only cabrion as essential staff, ”said Amós García, president of the Spanish Association of Vacunology.

Federico de Montalvo, President of the Committee of Biotechnology of Spain, said that the vacancies now “have their logic”, because “people who can get access to the vaccine because there is a fire in Spain when they are taken”, have to be “personal essential ”. Amós and Montalbo form part of the committee that developed the evacuation strategy.

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