“Countries can be financed by the dictatorship”


To the Cuban presenter, women confined to the canton cantante quieren verl “desenmascarar” a otros

Alex Otaola asks Alexander to answer some questions and how long the evade (Photo: Captura Youtube)

During the broadcast of its program Hola! Ota-Ola, 8th April, the Cuban presenter Alex Otaola califó as “buenísimo” the ideological change of the Gente de Zona (GDZ) group, detailing the integration Alexander Delgado.

Without embarrassment, in addition to applauding the canting of the members of the Cuban regime, Otaola considers that it is not enough, so that in order to really help the dictatorship of Iceland, they must “dismask” others who will open the islands from the point of view of political politics and are not to be missed.

The Cuban presenter returned to Delgado to accompany him to an interview and hosted the public invitation. Otaola wants the artist to be able to reveal himself as “desenmaraña” as long as he has the regime and the list of those who benefit from the privileges while the people are consumed in the most abysmal economic and social crisis.

“What is not in the intentions to help, so that they can explain what the marathons of those who know how to do it are part of”.

Alex Otaola’s message to Alexander Delgado’s team is ongoing due to the intention to build a “professional” job before moving on. More specifically, Alex’s queer is that his toffee and paisano can expose his process of operating “the marinas” in the island to access the light houses.

But this alone, we can explain to the Cubans and around the world, it is clear that deporting vehicles will enter for the sake of a few people.

“People like gustaría saberlo todo, esa gente que confía en tu cambio y que applaude y se suma a Patria y Vida. It’s time to dump her and move on. “

“I believe that if you have changed and submitted podiums to an interviewer, please let me know that our accounts are financed by the dictator and are financed by the dictators. “He who is clearing the sea that we are clearing and desensitizing to others”, sent sentence.

In fact, the polemicist has long been open to interrogation of Cubans about being animated and seeing these responses about how privileged they are to be front-facing people in need of the people.

“Who authorizes a property ?, Who favors artists that do not have?”
