Counted motifs he rode in Ecuador’s squares since he was five years old | Ecuador | Notice

The levers in the carcass system are given during years.

Ecuador’s caretaker system has encountered problematic crises in which the State has not provided an adequate solution. This March, February 23, 79 presur murieron y existen ocho heridos en una series de motines simultane en prisones del pais.

According to the authorities, there are links with criminal gangs that are financing the narcotics. Los enfrentamientos se dieron in the Guayaquil Regional 8, the Litoral Penitentiary, the Cuenca Turi and the Latacunga maximum security circuit.

These acts of violence are recent in the past. In June 2020, the Turi card carries a motive of intent during the COVID-19 pandemic, while confirming once positive cases and the death of a cause of the virus. Posteriormente, August 3 a dispute arose between the criminal gangs of the Choneros and the Lagartos in the Penitentiary of the Litoral, with a balance of once internal failures — two of them incinerated — and other hereditary.

This year, in December, otro suceso ocasionó seis falecidos y siete heridos tras el enfentementement entre dos groupos rival en el interior del Centro de Rehabilitación Social de Varones de Esmeraldas.

Between May and August 2019, the stars were emerging debit to a number of violent incidents that occurred in the previous months. During these months there are also acts of violence.

May 8, 2019: In Latacunga’s case, Darwin Corozo Camacho was apprehended by a partner, in the presence of two penitentiary agents. The hecho grabs another inside with a cellular.

12 May 2019: An intern of the Turi card, in Cuenca, murmured by the impact of a lacrimogenic bomb launched by a police officer on his part to carry out an attack of internal variables on a company, which has 40 pregnancy charges.

June 1, 2019: Three internally operated hybrids and a pistol to carry six people to an enlightenment in Table 5 of the Litoral Penitentiary.

12 June 2019: William Humberto Poveda Salazar, alias el Cubano and leader of the Los Cubanos gang, assassinated and incinerated by rival giants at the Guayaquil Regional Privilege Center; In addition, there is a motive, with a balance of a hereditary policy and retention by some minutes various agents of the Intervention and Rescue Group (GIR). Regarding this incident, the Governor decreed the state of exception.

17 June 2019: Dos presos son assesinados a puñaladas por varios internos dentro la la Regional Regional.

3 July 2019: The internals of the Litoral Penitentiary and the Regional Privación Center, located in the Daule River, on the outskirts of Guayaquil, were discharged and declared in Hambrah, as long as a communication was announced with the announcement of protest and quince petitions

21 July 2019: Dos reos fueron assesados ​​con armas blancas de fabricación casera en la carcel de Latacunga.

One day, on July 22nd, the same year, there was a party in the Social Rehabilitation Center of Cotopaxi that caused two dead people and some heridos. Including, the giants will be subordinated to the techno of the installation “in protest signal by the discrimination treaty of its object”. Everything is advertised in the suppression of visits, the poor quality of the committee and the lack of potable water, in addition to the malicious statements made by the police, which are made by the families of the inmates.

Agreed with the National Service of Integration Attention to Private Adult Persons of Liberty and the Adolescent Infringers of Ecuador, the penitentiary the owner of the country has a capacity to accommodate 27,742 people. Prohibition of sin, the first 40,000 prisioneros in 2019.

As much as the year 2018 also saw irregularities in the interior of the prisons of the country. The private home of David Urgilés, registered in Pavilion 2, at the Guayaquil Varones Social Rehabilitation Center, was assigned to Balazos. The reu supuestament había denounciado amenazas de muerte en su contra.

Assimilation, other advancements within the circles of animals in previous years.

December 21, 2017: Find the body of José Fabián N., alias Chino, suspended from a tube of the third piece of the bed and increased with one of his clothes to dress. The subject was the principal involved in the care of niece Emilia Benavides, from 9 years.

February 23, 2017: Olga Quiñónez was taken care of by her acquaintance at one of the remodeling centers of the Guayaquil Various Social Rehabilitation Center.

11 May 2015: 26 private individuals of liberty (PPL) will meet at the Guayaquil Regional Rehabilitation Center. During the destroyed haberdashery motorway, the property was burnt to the ground in two tables of the median security area.

September 11, 2015: The conclusions of the maximum security panel of the Latacunga card will be protagonized to demand to talk to the Ministry of Justice and seek better treatment.

December 5, 2015: Rosa Efigenia Solórzano Solórzano, 25 years old, was killed in a cell in Pavilion C of the El Rodeo de Portoviejo Social Rehabilitation Center in the province of Manabí. The heroes, according to the investigations, were caused by a white army and presumably the inmate Adrián M., to whom the woman visited that day.

The sadness and extreme violence in the motives of the last years are evident in the images of capped and disembodied bodies que han circulado en redes sociales. (I)
